Chapter 3: Training

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The next day is training, which Silver is dreading. She has no idea what that will entail but she knows that the other tributes will be there and therefore showing off will occur from those who already posses knowledge of weapons. Aka Districts 1 and 2. After shovelling down what little breakfast she could stomach she follows Hopper down to the training centre.

They seem to be one of the last ones to arrive, they are only waiting on District 7 now. Silver looks around the group, studying each tribute carefully. The boy from 2, Shane, she thinks his name is, catches her staring at him and winks. Silver looks away suddenly embarrassed. When the two from 7 finally show up the woman standing in the middle of the circle starts to speak.

"You will have a week in this room." She says rather dramatically "in here you will learn things that will help you survive in the arena. Although it should be noted it's not all about who can wield a weapon. Don't count someone out of the Game just because they choose to learn about edible plants, chances are they will survive longer than those who do not." This earns scoffs from several tributes in the circle including Hopper.

"At the end of the week you will have your individual assessments where you will show the Gamemakers your chosen skill. Be careful what you pick, they will rank you on a score of 12." The woman continues. Silver zones out and when the woman finally finishes everyone disperses into the training area. Silver looks around, unsure of what to go to first.

The tributes from the career Districts seem to gravitate towards the weapons, she notices Hopper joins them. She decides to avoid that station for as long as she can, although Silver knows that she will have to go at some point, she needs to learn how to defend herself. Instead she starts off at the station with several ropes. The girl from 4 is also there, several years older than Silver but there is not a lot of difference in their height, although she knows she is tall for her age.

The girl looks over, offering Silver a kind smile. "Do you know how to tie a knot?" She asks and Silver shakes her head, suddenly nervous at the older girl talking to her. The girl from 4 moves over letting Silver stand next to her "I can show you if you'd like." She offers and Silver nods. Her silence makes the girl smile wider, as though to show she isn't a threat but Silver knows better.

"I'm Cora." The girl introduces herself, Silver's eyes move to the table "Silver." She mutters and then Cora starts to teach her about knots.


By the end of the day Silver has managed to make a successful knot, and somewhat of an ally in Cora, as well as her brother Theon. As she eats dinner later that night with the rest of her team, Hopper choosing a seat at the other end of the table. She did take note, during training that Hopper had not been successful in trying to talk to the careers, it appears they like being in their own circle. Until others can be proven worthy of course.

"How was your first day of training?" Otto asks in a way to make conversation, Hopper is the first to speak, wanting to be the centre of attention. "Good, I think I'm getting the hang of the spear," this earns a scoff from the other male at the table, Flash, who is cutting his meat into fine pieces. "You think or you know?" He asks reaching for his drink, despite being younger than Hopper, he has an air of confidence and power that the other boy seems to bow to.

Hopper goes slightly red "I know." He tries to sound confident, Flash doesn't look up from his meal but nods his head "good because the difference between thinking and knowing can mean everything in the arena." He replies. There is a small, tense silence before the eldest man turns to Silver, gaze softening. "What about you Silver?" He asks "how was training?"

She swallows the bite of food she had in her mouth before  opening her mouth to speak but Hopper cuts in first. "She was at the rope station all day, a waste of time if you ask me." He says and this time Otto snaps "I wasn't. The Games are not just about killing, it's about surviving. What if your arena has a cliff or two? Silver has a better chance of surviving than you do if that's the case." There is another silence in which Silver silently wishes for the floor to open up and swallow her whole. They finish their dinner in silence.

"What about allies?" Flash asks as dessert comes out "any potentials?" This time Silver manages to answer first, her voice being heard for the first time that evening. "I met the girl and boy from 4 today, they were the ones who taught me how to tie a rope." Otto and Flash nod at this information, giving each other a look before turning to Hopper. The other tribute clears his throat before sitting up straight "I plan on becoming apart of the careers."

Flash chokes in his drinks and Otto raises his eyebrows "do you have a death wish?" He asks calmly, Silver chooses to stay silent. She learns more that way she has found. Hopper goes red, embarrassed again "the Games are about survival right? My best chance is with them." Both Otto and Flash share a look before the conversation is killed.


Later that night, Silver finds she cannot sleep. Her mind, along with her heart are back in District 6, in a tiny house just off of the town square. Where her parent and sister are, they are probably sleeping now. Wendel finally getting her own room, Silver clenches her stomach at that thought. As much as they fought sometimes, the idea of Wendel becoming an only child in a few weeks makes her sick to her stomach.

With that thought she climbs out of her bed, with the intention of finding something on the television to watch until she can sleep. When she reaches the end of the hallway, leading to the living room she notices the light in the room on so she pauses. She hears two voices and peers closer to hear what is being said.

"He is a complete idiot Hightower." She heard Flash say, his voice filled with frustration. "I know that Flash but he is still our tribute, we can't just stop mentoring him because he is insufferable sometimes." Otto argues back, there is a slight pause "why not?" Flash asks. Otto sighs, Silver leans further "if we did that every year, you may well have not lived to become a mentor and you know it." The elder man spits out.

Silver bites her lip, she shouldn't but she feels a certain glee at the idea that their mentors wish to give up on Hopper. A certain kind of satisfaction. After another pause she hears Otto ask "what about Silver? Are you ready to give up on her too?" Silver's breath catches in her throat and she  waits for Flash's reply. The boy scoffs before saying "that little fox? She is clever, far cleverer than the other tributes will assume. She's quiet, she watches. If she's smart enough, she may even win."

Otto lets out a low whistle and something in Silver's chest expands. No one from District 6 has won since Flash, several years ago and the idea that he thinks that she can win, well it fills her with hope. "I haven't heard you have so much faith in a tribute since yourself." Otto muses and she sees Flash's shadow shrug "well what do you think of her?"

The older man chuckles "oh I agree with you. I think we have ourselves a winner."

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