Prologue: Welcome to Heaven

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It was a cool summer's night. Your hometown had never seemed so beautiful or enticing in all your years. You were currently on summer break after your first year of college, and staying with your parents before the next semester began in the Fall, working a slow retail job to make some cash over the brief intermission. It had been one of those slow backbreaking days at work. Customers were irritated, and in no short supply. The late hours of the night were sometimes the only place you could find some peace, being forced into shifts of up to 10 or 12 hours on some days.

On this particular evening, after growing bored of playing video games, you had decided to take a little walk through the suburban streets surrounding the house. You passed through many nostalgic places. An old friend's old house, or the public park where you and your friends used to hang out in high school. You let your mind wander back to your childhood days. Life had seemed so exciting back then, the biggest worry on your mind being boring school tests and projects. You used to live just around the corner from so many friends, and fun things to do. The dissonance compared to your life nowadays was a little disheartening. Your once close and happy friend group had completely disbanded when everyone went off to different colleges in all different states. The only time you saw an old pal was a quick meaningless text, or a social media post featuring their completely new friends. A few years ago, you would've been riding your bikes through these sidewalks, talking and laughing over music from someone's bluetooth speaker. Now you were alone, walking in silence. You had no close friends, no boyfriend, working a useless job and going to school for a useless degree.

You asked yourself what you might do when you finish college. More of the same, you acknowledged with a sigh. You definitely couldn't afford to move out after school, and there weren't too many job opportunities in your field at the moment. You began to space out, dwelling on the unhappiness and hoping your feet simply carried you in the right direction as you decided to head home and get to bed. It was almost midnight after all. 

Your street was in between the vast and quiet suburbs you had explored, and Main Street, a fast paced, and busy road, even at these hours of the night. You decided to head in its direction and walk along it to get home. You slowly scaled the sidewalk of Main, still deep in those hopeless thoughts. Cars rushed past you regularly, their headlights blurs of yellow light as they hurried off into the darkness. You began to cross one of the suburban roads that ran perpendicular to Main Street, not stopping to look for cars.

In an instant, one of the blurry speeding lights turned in your direction, not bothering to slow down at all. You were suddenly torn from your gloom, to stare at the oncoming vehicle in horror. A giant white pick-up truck was all you could see, before the thing slammed into you at full force. You were launched through the air for a moment, before landing on the hard pavement, your limp body scraping painfully against the surface of the road. 

All you could make out from where you lie on the ground was vague distant lights and the sound of the truck screeching to a halt. Every single part of your body was either physically unable to move, or was too painful for you to try. You could hardly comprehend what had happened, let alone feel any strong emotion besides confusion and fear. You then heard the opening and slamming of a car door, followed by a man's shouting. "Oh shit!" his voice was squeaky, and his words slurred together as he rambled more curse words. A strange sense of peace overtook you as the lights and sounds slowly faded away, leaving you in silent blackness, with no sensation of pain.

After a few seconds of nothingness, a bright yellow light came into vision, causing your eyes to open. It took you quite a minute to figure out where you were, but you slowly regained your senses. Blue and yellow and pink swam in your vision. You felt control of your body again and realized you were crouched on your hands and knees on a bright golden staircase. Looking up you saw that everything was bright. White fluffy clouds extended on either side, and in front of you stood a beautiful, towering golden gate. You blinked for a second in all the light and slowly stood on your own two feet, subconsciously walking towards the magnificent view. 

Right beside the gate stood a small winged blonde man, smiling at you behind some kind of golden booth. "Welcome to heaven! Could I get your name please?"

You quickly came to find out that life in heaven was incredible. Your new heavenly form was perfect. You had manifested as a humanoid angel, bearing striking resemblance to your earthly body, but without any of the imperfections or insecurities you had while you were alive. You had been dead for almost a month now, and it just got better every day. You were given your own little place to stay in the heart of the city, and were quickly learning everything Heaven had to offer. Emily, a seraphim had been checking in on you, showing you around the gorgeous city, introducing you to people, and explaining things about how the afterlife worked. She was peppy and caring, showing you an instant friendship that you had been craving for so long in the living world. Thanks to her, you were meeting so many new people. She had introduced you to some cherubs, tons of other human souls like yourself, and you had even briefly met Sera, the high seraphim of heaven.

One particular day, when you were almost adjusted to your new afterlife, Emily dropped by again. You were sharing a cup of tea outside of a shop with a new friend of yours, Molly. She was a fellow human soul with a pink spider-like form who died in the 1950s. You both joked and laughed about your lives on earth and the brutal ways in which you died. 

"Hey, (Y/N)!" you heard suddenly from the road beside you. You saw Emily waving to you from through the crowd of angels walking along the street. You waved to Emily to come over. "Hey, (Y/N), I just remembered, there's this great ice cream place I never showed you just down the block!" It was then that she noticed your friend sitting across from you. "Oh sorry! Am I interrupting?"

Molly smiled. "No, you're fine. We're just talking about earth shit. Go right ahead, I'll be here."

You stood up from the table and waved to Molly. "Alright, catch up with you some other time."

You followed Emily through the crowd of angles in the road. You were quite thankful that Heaven didn't really have cars, or roads in the traditional sense, being traversed mainly by foot. It might have been quite nerve wracking to be around cars after what happened to you on Earth. 

"You'll LOVE this place. It's always been one of my favorites. They make the scoops, like, bigger than your head!" Emily gushed about the ice cream, her hands clasped together. "Anyway, I'm so glad you're settling in so well. Sometimes dying is a lot for a human soul to get used to but you just bounced right back. How do you like your new place? Are the people here nice to you? It's amazing here, right?" She rattles off questions faster than you could hope to respond to, not letting you get a word in. You laugh a little at her enthusiasm. "Have I introduced you to everyone? I'm pretty sure you've met everyone important but I'm trying to think, I know you met Sera, St Peter, those little sheepy cherub guys..." She begins rattling off names of all the people she introduced you to since arriving.

As she's rambling, something catches your eye. A very tall angel with with a long robe stands crouched over three different girls, all looking up at him, blushing and giggling at everything he says. The man has enormous golden wings, and wears an helmet with giant black horns and an LED mask. He leans over the three against the wall and has a cocky smile on his face as he chats up the women. Standing slightly off to the side is a shorter female angel in a short black dress and similar helmet. She stands in a formal, almost militaristic pose, looking slightly off to the side and seeming uncomfortable. Both of them have large glowing halos over their heads.

"Uh, Emily? Who are they?" You point in their direction.

Emily snaps out of her rambling. "Who? Oh, them!" she looks in the direction you're pointing. "That's Adam. You know like, the first man Adam. I'm sure you know the story. And the girl in all black is his lieutenant, Lute." Emily goes quiet for once.

"Uh huh..." you follow Emily in silence, still looking at the strange group of angels, your eyes locked mainly on Adam. Both of you say nothing for a few seconds, continuing to walk.

"So, anyways, I always like to get their double chocolate cone with a scoop of cherry ice cream, but their mint is great too!" Emily continues on like this, ending the strange silence. 

Only half listening to Emily, you wonder more about Adam, and why you were never introduced. Your hands begin to fidget, with your eyes still on him, something strange turning in your heart.

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