Chapter Two: Stay the Night

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You slammed your close fists on the carpeted ground, sitting criss-cross, surrounded by bags of chips and empty soda cans. "FUCK you." On your right, Matt sat next to you, laughing, a Wii-mote raised high above his head. You laugh, looking at the Mario Kart end screen, showing Matt's character in first place, barely beating yours out. "No, actually fuck you. Red shelling at the tail end of the track should be banned." You lay back on the floor, hands behind your head, surrounded by even more empty wrappers and chip bags.

"Cry." Matt said, pulling his phone out of his pocket. "This game was my childhood, man. I'm good, okay?" Matt had often beat you in video games, but just once you thought you would get the jump on him in one of his favorite games. He had a small collection of his old favorites at his apartment, where you were currently spending the night.

You stared at the ceiling for a moment, just thinking. "I can't believe I've never thought about this before but how do we have game consoles from Earth in Heaven?"

Matt looked up from his phone, his eyes going wide. He turns around to look at you, baffled. "I don't know, actually. I guess, maybe ex-Nintendo employees could recreate the consoles after they died. But what, do they just remake the entire game from scratch?" He looks back at his phone and starts typing.

You shrugged. "Seems possible."

"Hey, you remember Adam?" Matt says unexpectedly.

"Uhh, yeah, I do. Why?" You sit up, suddenly attentive. You feel a little anxiety over Matt's question, unsure what he wants to ask, but try to stay calm.

"Would you mind if he crashed with us tonight? I know you only met him once before, so I don't wanna be unfair. It's totally cool if you say no."

You feel your dread increase a little, watching Matt's nervous expression as he speaks, but you force yourself to say "yeah, no problem." Your biggest fear is getting to attached to Adam. You have no hope of being able to actually date him, for a multitude of reasons. After seeing a concert or two, and obsessively following his presence for about a month, your enthusiasm waned for him. You were still very attracted to him, but the whole thing became very sad, chasing after someone who, at the time, didn't even know you, and who you were certain would never reciprocate. After the run-in with him at the restaurant, you were confused on how you should feel for a few days, but you ultimately decided to squash down your emotions. Despite Adam's request, you wanted to make it a one time thing. Being in love with a local celebrity was one thing. It was like the afterlife version of a hallway crush. But being in love with an emotionally unavailable friend was painful, and emotionally frustrating. You had decided to keep Adam as a stranger, to avoid that exact scenario. But when Matt asked the question with an uncomfortable expression and more subdued tone, you got the feeling something was off. You didn't want to say no, thinking it rude, and you didn't want to just go home, thinking it would just be awkward. And there was still the silly hormonal part of you that was just excited at the idea of hanging out with Adam.

"You're not gonna geek out on him, are you?" He shakes his head and replaces his shaky expression with a sarcastic smile, typing something on his phone.

"Geek out?" You begin bouncing your leg from all the nervous energy. "Since when have I ever geeked out over him? I bet you didn't even know I liked his music until I told him last week."

"Fair, fair. I was just joking." You silently congratulated yourself at the fact that Matt didn't know how you felt. "He's kinda close by so he'll be here in like 2 minutes."

"Okay, cool." You couldn't help the smile that was creeping on your face. 

Matt stood up, picking up some dirty ceramic plates. "Not that Adam will give a shit at all, but we should clean this place up a little before he gets here. I'm gonna wash some of these dishes. Could you pick up the trash?"

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