Chapter 5: U up?

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U up?

It was midnight and you had just lain down for a night's rest when your phone buzzed, resting on the bedside table. You rolled over and picked it up, your eyes straining against the phone screen. Seeing that it was a text from Adam, your heart skipped a beat and you sat up taller. You type the first thing that comes to your mind.

Yeah. You?

Immediately after hitting send you cringe, realizing it makes no sense. You twiddle your thumbs impatiently as you watch Adam's typing bubble appear.

Yep. So wyd.

Just laying in bed. What about you

Same. Fucking bored and lonely :(

You smile and blush a little at that message. Somehow the picture this paints is extremely cute.

So have you missed meeee

The sleepover was 3 days ago now, and truth be told you had been wanting to see him. The feelings you had been repressing were slowly and surely breaking free. You had been mulling over Adam's behavior towards you and whether it was meant to be flirtatious.

Yeah whatever makes you happy

Ur such a tease

Been practicing sax?

Yea a little

You lied. You didn't even have an instrument anymore.

When's rehearsal?

Next Thursday can you make it?


Damn usually only my soldiers call me that.

You're making me blush

You curl up in your blankets, unable to stop moving from the nervous energy.

So what are you up to you?

Just laying in bed like I said bruh

You cringe at yourself once again.

You wanna see?

See what


Just like in bed and shit

I get the feeling you like looking at me

Oh ok yeah

I mean who wouldnt

Im sexy.

Ok Adam yes I wanna see ok

Aww so he admits it.

You're the one who started this.

No I just think it's cute

Like god damn


This guy really likes me huh

Oh my god stopp

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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