Chapter Three: Bicuriosity

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The room is dark. All lights are out, the glow from the muted television being the only thing that illuminates the room.

 Adam looks you dead in the eyes, making you feel uneasy. He smirks slightly, then suddenly turns his head to Matt. "Truth or dare?"

"Me?" He looks a little stunned. "Uh... truth."

"Hmmmm... why can't you ever pull girls at concerts, huh? Is it because chicks don't wanna fuck bassists or are you just too pussy to ask?"

He laughs. "Uh... I'm not into that sort of thing I guess? Adam, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Everyone sat in a circle on the floor, Adam against the couch. He leaned his head back lazily and grabbed a handful of chips.

"Ok uh... fuck." Matt leaned his head onto his hand, looking off at the wall. "I can't think of anything. Dares are hard."

"You wanna just play truth or truth?" Adam says.

"Is that just... exactly what it sounds like?" You asked.

"Yeah, p much. It's just truth or dare but only truth. Dares are fucking stupid honestly."

"True." said Matt. "I mean what am I supposed to say? Nothing I can come up with is actually fun, that shit's only cool when you're like 12."

"True that." Adam says. "Hit me with it buddy."

"Uhhh, what ever happened with that one girl from September? You said it was there was a story but you never told me."

"What, the groupie chick? Yeah, we fucked. It was alright. She was really loud though. And clingy. She wanted to like cuddle and shit after and its like, uh, gross? And she was blowing up my phone for like weeks all like 'You're so sexy' and 'I want you' and 'it was so good please just one more time.'" Adam throws his hands up next to his face and talks in an effeminate mocking voice as he quotes the girl. You notice him batting his eyelashes as he speaks as well. "And it's like, I fucking know bitch. Honestly you should be grateful I even considered sleeping with you. I'm fucking Adam, I'm like, the dick to top all other dicks. Ok, not like top other dicks but you get it. I can't be tied down to some random hookup, I gotta get around, see the world, let all experience the original dick. Spread the good word." He takes another large handful of chips. "But yeah I guess the sex was ok."

"That's uh... wow." You say after a moment of stunned silence from you and Matt.

"Not gonna lie... that's pretty much every story you have about a girl."

"Yeah but she was really annoying. This is why I don't hookup with fans."

"You do though...?" Matt says quietly before being quickly cut off by Adam.

"ANYway..." He snaps his head to look in your direction. "(Y/N), do you like anyone?" Adam draws out the word "like" in a sickly sweet way, cocking his head and looking at you with a teasing grin.

You feel your whole body react to this immediately, your face flushing and your hands tensing up a bit. "Wh-what are we, preteen girls?"

Matt raises an eyebrow, glancing between you and Adam. "You do, don't you?"

Adam ignores him once again. "This whole game is for preteen girls, might as well lean into it." He takes another bite, staring down at you, ducking below him, cowering slightly. "You gonna answer the question?"

"Uhh... well, yeah. I do."

"(Y/N)! Who is it man?" Matt stares, at you beaming.

"Hey, Adam was only allowed to ask me one question, and I answered it, didn't I?" You take a shaky breath in and out and turn back to Adam. "Okay, my turn now. Uh, Adam... how many women have you slept with, anyway? Just, rough estimate."

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