[ 12 ]

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It was one of the most thrill seeking and anxiety inducing adventures Taeyong had ever dared to do. To skip school. He was shocked that Haechan even agreed to do something like this, as he seemed to be the type to follow the rules just like him.

It was just up Jaehyun's alley though, skipping school and breaking the rules. He envied the tall boy for being able to carelessly do something without worrying about the consequences, or simply being caught.

His thoughts raced with uneasiness, fearing they'd get caught by a teacher. He had no idea on what he could say - sign - and explain. The idea of being in trouble just sank a pit in his stomach, completely filled with dread.

Haechan hopped the fence with ease after dismissing Jaehyun's offer to help. The taller only offered since Haechan was quite small. Taeyong watched his friend wriggle over the fence and land on the other side with a sigh.

"Your turn next Tae." Jaehyun said as he leant down and clasped his palms to offer a hand. "Just put one foot in my hand and as I lift you up you need to swing a leg over. Can you do that?" He explained.

Taeyong shook his head and took a step back, terrified at the idea. Jaehyun could see the stress on his poor face, so he came up with a different idea. He placed his palms at the top of the fence and pulled himself up till he could sit at the top.

"Give me your hand, I'll pull you up with me." He said, reaching down and extending a large, veiny hand.

Taeyong swallowed down some fear as he approached the fence while grasping the straps of his wooly back pack.

"It's okay. Do you trust me?" Jaehyun asked, looking into Tae's brown eyes that widened at those words. Yes, of course he trusted him. How could he look at that handsome face and not trust him?

The pink haired boy gave a small nod and reached up to connect it with Jae's. The taller pulled him up with ease till he was comfortably sat on the top of the fence. As Jaehyun jumped down to the other side, he reached up and helped bring Taeyong down and place his two feet on the ground.

That was it, they are now on the outskirts of the school and has officially ditched. A bell suddenly rang to indicate the lunch was over, meaning their free period had begun. With the look they shared with each other, eyes wide as it sunk in they had actually ditched school, they all decided to start running to Jaehyun's house.

They slowed down once they got about a mile away from the schools premises. The anxiety and adrenaline had worn off and all three were peacefully walking towards the taller's house.

"Are we having dinner at your place or do we need to go home early?" Haechan asked curiously. He always spoke his mind, which is what Tae always loved about his friend.

Jaehyun thought about it for a moment, "I don't know what we are having for dinner but I'm sure my mum won't mind. We don't have visitors that often."

Haechan tilted his head to the side, "How come?"

Jaehyun didn't need to answer for Haechan and Taeyong to understand. The look of embarrassment and sadness that crossed his face made them understand.

Taeyong tapped Jaehyun's arm lightly, 'We'll whenever you want, I can always come and visit.' He signed.

Jaehyun smiled and nodded.

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