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No one wanted to be sat in a classroom on a hot and sunny day like today. The rays beamed into the classroom, making some students aggravated in their uniform. Some were sprawl across their desks face down on the cool surface, others were hunched over fanning their faces while waiting for the teacher to arrive.

At the back of the classroom there was a young, brown haired boy sat at his desk embedded into a book.

He leant on his elbow with one hand pressed gently against his squishy cheek, eyebrows furrowed while his eyes aggressively glide across the lines. All comfortable and absorbed into an intense scene allows him to forget how hot he is - until his magical world was interrupted by a student being slammed into his desk.

The boy jolts back, holding onto his book close to him as if it was the most valuable thing, and quickly looks over to who disrupted him.

"Who's laughing now?" A short, silver haired boy chuckles, pushing the boys red head down further into the desk.

He then gestures a tall boy over with blackish blue hair to grab the boy by the shoulders and throw him backwards into another desk. He seemed hesitant to do so but did as he was told.

After he was thrown, the poor small victim with red hair picks himself up and runs away as quick as he could, one hand placed upon his bruised cheek.

"You really take pleasure in bullying, don't you  Mark Lee?" The small brown haired boy remarked, placing a marker in his current page and closed the book with a smile.

The bully glanced down, his grin was wiped away once his lips pursed into a thin line. "Yeah so? What are you gonna do about it Lee Dong-Hyuck?" Mark snarled, looming over Haechan, hand clutched on each side of the desk.

Haechan sat still, scrunching his nose and cringed at his full name being used. It's not something his friends call him anyways - despite lack there of.

"I will tell the principle." Haechan states fondly as he lifted his chin proudly and folded his arms.

"Oo I'm so scared" Mark teased while waving his hands around mockingly just before elbowing the boy beside him to laugh. Jung Jaehyun.

"You're right. You should be scared. I'm sure the Principal would like to know how you two even got into the upper classes considering your lack of work. Not to mention who actually pulled that fire alarm on Rememberance Day. Don't you?"

Mark's eyebrows twitched as he stared into Haechan's eyes.

Leaning over the desk, he pressed his knuckles down onto the surface to tower over Haechan's small frame.

"You wouldn't dare." He whispered.

Haechan smirked, "Try me."

Jaehyun watched between the two like it was a Mexican stand off. Eventually he came to Mark's side and tugged his arm, "Come on. We don't have to listen to this, you can't do anything to him."

Haechan's grin grew as he looked deeply into Mark's eyes that burned with anger, "That's right, Mark can't do anything. I'll keep my mouth shut if he keeps his hands off. And considering both our mothers are friends... I wonder who'd they believe when they find out one of their sons is a bully."

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