10 January, 2024

7 0 0

Dear Gillenia,

Maybe you're right—my Southern accent is winning the crowd over, especially when I say "yes dear" for some reason. I had the most to say about the mining industry, thanks to Flint. I don' hate the stylists as much now. Tigris is a sweetheart and has been making sure I have a bath in rose petals and my hair is brushed every night. My room overlooks the rose gardens, and I can see Snow walking around them every sunrise. He seems just as nervous about the outcome of the pageant as I am, or maybe he's just out to pick more red roses. I will say, he comes off as (ironically) warm and comforting. Unbeknownst to the other contestants and the cameras, he checks on my before every round. I think that's against the rules...it's strange being given the royal treatment. Hyacinth is out because her dress got eaten up by tracker jackers. Maribel is out because she had stage fright during the speeches. Rarity and Astralyn are always fighting. Rarity swore Astralyn stole her hairpins, so Astralyn pulled her hair out in return. The net round is the date, which shouldn't be bad, depending on what it is. What do you think it will be? Every day I'm repeating in my head "Rarity Snow, Astralyn Snow, Sable Lynn Snow" to hear what sounds best. Hopefully, I fI live, I can talk to Flint and say goodbye to 12 before the wedding. As much as Snow tells me to have hope, I don't want to get too ahead of myself. I don't even know if I'm in love. Hmm, how strange for Cillian and Hyssop to be fighting...they seemed so close. But maybe by someone more deserving, Cillian meant you....

What if I do fall for Snow? Do you think Flint will lash out on me? What if he's already moved on to a girl from the Seam?

Can't wait to hear from you, the letters are quite stimulating!

Your friend, Sable

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