Perfect Night

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Minho's pov (1st person) :

Today's upcoming dance class kept me heated the entire time after the lunch. I was thrilled with the thought of teaching "WOW"s choreo by Sam to Hyunjin and other fellow classmates.

I was attracted to dancing and I want others to feel the same deep bond between a heart and it's beats, between a soul and it's pleasure, between a mind and it's comfort.

With that objective, I advanced my steps towards the dance room. On my way, I saw Felix in the hallways going in the same direction, so I called his name to gain his attention and he retracted his steps towards me.

"Hey vice president dancer hyung, which song have you prepared for today?" Felix asked uttering my position in a comical tone.

"I've already made it clear that we'll do Sam's "WOW" choreo because Hyunjin hates Sam for unknown reasons. And moreover, I've learnt the dance while doing cover so it'll be fun." I answered.

Felix deciphered my main goal and replied, "Yes hyung, jinnie doesn't knows how much fun and interesting dance moves he's ignoring."

I agreed to his comment by humming because now we were standing in front of the closed doors of the practise area.

I could hear muffled steps striking the floor with "WOW" playing in the background. To confirm that I'm not hallucinating, I faced Felix and he nodded indicating that he was hearing the same sounds too.

So, to not disturb what was going within, we opened the door and walked in noiselessly. My eyes widened seeing Hyunjin dancing to "WOW". He was doing Sam's choreography with acute steps and matching style.

I was dragged out of my trance because Felix was moving besides me. I turned to look at him and I saw him hushing our other dance mates arriving in order not to interrupt the performance going in front of our eyes.

I gestured Felix to record this scene and he took out his phone to make a video. I was wondering when Hyunjin became compliant, though I felt proud of myself and him.

Me because I'm his hyung and I've threatened him to learn. Him because he was executing the dance in the exact manner with flawless moves like I was watching Sam himself.

As the song ended and he squatted to compose himself, everyone including me began to applaud.

He, who was unmindful of his surroundings 'til now, stood up immediately and glanced at us in utter shock. He seamt to make eye contact with me and Felix and watching our prideful grins, calmed from his tense state.

The bridge part literally retained our mouths agape. He excelled the dance moves like it was nothing to him. I felt flabbergasted.

"Jinnie" Felix called his name to earn his attention as he was looking at everyone except us.

He right away shot his head in our direction and his demeanor was screaming nervousness, maybe he was hesitant about our reactions.

"Yah. Though I'm proud of you for performing it so well, but how can you do the bridge part like an expert?" I asked unable to admit that he's improving at an astonishing rate.

Felix added, "I'm glad to know that you've obliged to hyung's order, but exactly when did you learn the choreo?"

He, after thinking for a few seconds, timidly replied, "umm, thanks for the praises and well... I've learnt it from Minho hyung's cover video today morning."

"You're definitely lying. I was having problems while performing the bridge steps and you did them like they were inserted in you. How much time you took to learn the whole dance?"

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