Bonus Part (A New Generation)

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Hiccup is standing next to Toothless in the Hidden World. Then Hiccup crouches down.

Hiccup: (is talking to his four year old son who has brown hair and blue eyes.) You'll be fine. As soon as your siblings arrive with your mother than you will be heading in.

Arkyn: But dad...Who knows whats in there. (points to a tunnel)

Hiccup: I know whats in there.

Arkyn: What?

Hiccup: Baby dragons. 

Arkyn: Oh.

Hiccup: There is no reason to be scared in fact they are probably just as scared as you are.

Arkyn: Really? (Hiccup nods)

Toothless bumps into Hiccup and then pushes him over and starts licking him.

Hiccup: Aw. Really Toothless? Come on. (Arkyn laughs and Toothless gets off of Hiccup)

Arkyn: (pets Toothless on the head) Thanks.

Astrid arrives with Zephyr on her back and Nuffink sitting in front of her.

Astrid: Are we ready to start?

Hiccup: I would've thought the others would be here by now.

Astrid: (gently grabs Nuffink and puts him on the ground while Zephyr jumps off) That's ok the others might come later. We can send our kids in first and we can return back to Berk, but then we wait to start the ceremony.

Hiccup: Oh yeah. I forgot it is a long trip. Alright kids go on in. 

Zephyr and Nuffink run excitedly towards a tunnel while Arkyn hangs back.

Hiccup: Go on. We will be right out here if you need us and trust me Toothless wouldn't let anything happen to you. Right bud. (Toothless makes a sound and nods his head)

Arkyn goes and walks towards the tunnel carefully before looking back one more time to which Astrid and Hiccup nod in encouragement. Once Arkyn is far enough in the tunnel where he cannot be seen Hiccup turns to Toothless.

Hiccup: You sure this is where the baby dragon tunnel is? Its not going to have older dragons. 

Toothless nods and roars. Just then an older Dusk appears.

Hiccup: (Dusk bites Hiccup's leg gently) Dusk! My have you grown!

Astrid: Dang. He really has grown.

Hiccup: He must have hit a growths burg.

Meanwhile inside the cave the three children have gotten separated and are surrounded by baby dragons. Zephyr is excitedly looking around. Nuffink is trying to make friends with all of them and Arkyn is still terrified of the dragons. Arkyn turns around and continues to walk deeper into the tunnel when he sees a dragon sleeping. Curious at the sleeping dragon Arkyn approaches it cautiously. It opens its eyes and sees him, causing Arkyn to jump back. The dragon moves closer and closer to Arkyn until Arkyn is backed up against a wall. The dragon sniffs him and then gets a sleepy look in his eyes. Arkyn gingerly reaches out a hand which the dragon immediately places his nose in his shaky hand. Then it offers him a ride. Arkyn climbs on the dragon which then starts sprinting out of the cave and Arkyn ends up bouncing on his back. Meanwhile Zephyr comes across an open cavern and looks at the many baby dragons spread across it. One dragon in particular with pretty purple eyes catches her eyes and she goes towards it. The dragon faces her with a calm expression before she starts circling Zephyr. Zephyr pulls out a fish from her bag and waves it in front of the baby who sniffs it curiously before eating it. The dragon then looks at her and she puts out her hand for the baby to touch which it does and then it offers her a ride on its back. Finally we see that Nuffink has made several dragon friends by drawing in the ground with a stick and then a dragon snatches his stick and starts drawing on the ground Nuffink chases down the baby and wins the tug of war for the stick, but as he gets up to go back and draw the dragon playfully pounces on him and grabs the stick. They continue to wrestle for the stick for a while before they lay down to catch their breath. Then Nuffink holds out his hand and the dragon touches his nose to it which then causes Nuffink to touch his head to his dragon's head while his hand is still there. The dragon allows Nuffink to climb on his back and then the young dragon runs out. Funny enough all three exit at the same time and both Hiccup and Astrid look up excitedly.

Hiccup: (gasps) No way!

The three kids look at each other and then the dragons that they picked.

Hiccup: Well bud looks like there is a change of plans. It looks like you and Violet might be coming to Berk today. (Toothless is barely able to contain his excitement and he looks at his tail) 

Astrid: Do you guys have names for them? Zephyr?

Zephyr: Dart I think is a good name for her. (Dart looks up with a happy and pleased look on her face). What about you Nuffink?

Nuffink: Pouncer is definitely his name. (Pouncer jumps up and down) (then everyone looks at Arkyn expectedly)

Arkyn: Ruffrunner. Thats his name. (Ruffrunner tilts his head to the side and Arkyn slides off him and pets his head).

Hiccup: Well you won't be able to fly on them but they can fly, so they will fly beside us while you guys either fly on Toothless or Stormfly. (Toothless roars and Violet comes over) You ready bud. (Toothless nods excitedly, but then turns to Dusk, who is watching and is also happy) (Toothless bows to Dusk who puffs out his chest) (They then nuzzle each other and Dusk gives a mighty roar) (Dusk dips his head respectfully to Hiccup and Astrid before flying off) He really is all grown up. (Hiccup gets on Toothless) Alright who is coming with me. (Zephyr and Nuffink hop on Toothless and Arkyn gets Astrid to help him onto Stormfly) (They return to Berk where Toothless and Stormfly land as Hiccup's kids go off to play with their dragons)

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