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Sorry for shouting at you. I will keep it brief so you can read the story. I would recommend at least have seen all the shows and movies of the How to Trains your Dragon franchise though I only really make small references to the shows so you needn't worry. You will still understand the story. I have certain parts of the story that are quite similar to the movies but I usually have changed a detail here and there by either taking out or adding on to it. I have the parts marked by ///.../// with a link in there as I was unable to upload the video, so my apologies. Generally I have everything written except for a couple of lines that I either changed or left out on purpose and if a specific action is not clearly stated you can pretend it happened or that I put it in there as I am trying a new style (for me) of writing, however this does not apply to dragon scenes that are similar and actions I leave out in these parts are on purpose. The fifth chapter (Don't Underestimate Me) starts off a bit rough but I do not go into detail so I do believe that you should be fine reading it (it is a bit violent).  

Please let me know if anything in this story goes against the Wattpad copyright laws instead of reporting it as I will take down the story if you let me know. I swear I did not mean to.

If I don't have to close this down, I plan on making a small series complete with original characters with the exception of Zephyr, Nuffink, Dart, Pouncer, and Ruffrunner. But the stories should be bran new. I still might try and find a way to do it if this story isn't allowed up. I also apologize I am not use to this style in writing so I know it is a bit sloppy. The series that I plan to do this summer will be in a better format. I hope you enjoy the story and happy reading.

How to Train your dragon 3: A Nightfury's LoyaltyWhere stories live. Discover now