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"Hello everyone!" Namjoon made sure their presence was noticed, Minduelle waving as she walked beside Namjoon.

Namjoon's group of guy friends all turned around and greeted them warmly, Namjoon freezing in his spot.

"What's wrong?" Zico laughed, everyone grinning at Namjoon's reaction.

Minduelle looked up at him, confused as well.

"You guys all said you were bringing your girlfriends or something!" Namjoon pointed at them, the boys all laughing even more. "That's not fair!"

"Oh lighten up Namjoon-ah!" Ilhoon laughed, walking up to Namjoon and wrapping his arm around Namjoon's shoulder, standing between him and Minduelle. "Besides," Ilhoon turned towards Minduelle, Minduelle glaring up at him. "Hey Beautiful."

"Fuck off Ilhoon." Minduelle said without hesitation, many of the boys 'oohing' at her response.

"Okay okay." Ilhoon immediately raised his hands in surrender and walked away from them, Zico smacking him upside the head. "You know Ellie-"

"Don't call me that." Minduelle crossed her arms, Namjoon stepping closer to her, his gaze not much nicer than her's.

"One chance." Ilhoon held up one finger, eyes desperate. "I'll-"

"Not a chance." Minduelle shook her head, looking up at Namjoon. "Joon didn't tell you guys?" Minduelle smiled, slipping her hand into his and raising it a bit. "We're engaged!"


Namjoon hung his head as Minduelle giggled at their reactions. "Min, you gotta stop with that." He said with a smile, Minduelle shrugging and letting go of Namjoon's hand.

"It worked with Taehyung's friends." Minduelle smiled innocently, the boys catching their breaths and calming their hearts. "We're just kidding, everyone. We're both still single." Minduelle pointed at Ilhoon as he opened his mouth. "Not available, though."

Ilhoon shut his mouth, mildly disappointed.

"It seems like the party has arrived with this new commotion." A man Minduelle didn't recognize walked into the room, stealing her breath away. "Oh," He stopped once he saw her, his voice smooth, eyes locking onto Minduelle's, not letting her go. "What a pleasant surprise." He walked up to her, holding his hand out to her. "I'm Choi Bitagaram, the founder of this art museum."

Minduelle held out her hand as well, expecting him to shake it. But instead, he lifted it to his lips, holding eye contact, and kissing it gently. "N-Nice to meet you, Mr. Choi." Minduelle quickly bowed, hoping her blush would stay hidden, but she knew she was bright red despite her efforts.

"Please," He reached out and held her arm, guiding her to stand upright again. "Graham is fine."

"Graham." Namjoon stepped forward, extending his hand to shake, smile welcoming. "I-"

"Bitagarm, please." Bitagarm kept a polite smile on his face, but that entire interaction threw Minduelle off. "It's nice to meet you, Kim Namjoon."

"Right." Namjoon spoke through his teeth. "Are you the one who notified Dispatch of this place and of my presence?"

"Why of course." Bitagaram admitted without guilt, Minduelle stepping back so she was next to Namjoon, not closer to Bitagaram. "How could I let go of such a huge opportunity for media attention? It's just what I needed to get this place started."

Minduelle looked over at Zico, her eyes speaking enough. He mouthed a sorry, looking mildly confused at his friend's behavior. Just as she was about to walk over to the man she called friend, a movement out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.

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