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Taehyung quietly shut the door behind him, his phone in his other hand. He glanced up at the house, every light off, the rest of the walls quiet.

It was 1 in the morning.

Taehyung glanced down at his phone, remembering the worried texts from the members from the hours he's been gone.

- jin -

jin - i know right now is really hard right now and none of us like seeing minduelle this way, but please come back so we can talk and keep you company, okay? it's our day off and let's try to make the most of it

jin - it's getting late, taehyung, come home soon

- yoongi -

yoongi - if you need anything, lmk

yoongi - drive safe and stay safe

- hoseok -

hoseok - i know i've been pushing you really hard this week, but that's only because i know you can handle it and i know you can be incredible. you are extremely gifted, taehyung. and i apologize for pushing you so much. i should've given you more of a break. and now this is all crashing down right now. but please come back, for everyone and for yourself, okay? i know it's nice to clear your head, but it's gotten really late and you should be resting. i'm here for you, taehyung

hoseok - i'm heading to bed, i look forward to seeing you in the morning <3

- namjoon -

namjoon - i'm not going to beg you to come home because i trust you. just keep your safety and time in mind with whatever you need to do, alright?

namjoon - min has been doing a lot better, just more quiet than usual

namjoon - jin patched her up real good and she's got a brace on her arm. i think yoongi is going to help her with her performance tomorrow. i think we're all going to try and make it but you are welcome to stay back and do whatever you want

namjoon - i'm heading to bed. call me if you need anything

- jimin -

jimin - i know you and you know me and i will admit that i'm frustrated with you

jimin - i wish you would've told me once you found out. i know you take it really hard when this happens to min. don't act like i haven't noticed your huge change of behavior whenever this happens. you get really quiet, taehyung, it worries me

jimin - i am always, always here to talk to you. i forgive you taehyung. i can't read your mind, but i know you're probably thinking negatively right now. but i'm not mad at you, okay?

jimin - just come back soon so we can hang out some more!

jimin - you can have more of appa's cookies too whenever you come back

- jungkook -

jungkook - i hope you're okay

jungkook - i put your food in the fridge and wrote your name on it

- min -

min - everything okay?

min - should i meet you somewhere?


Taehyung quickly looked up, eyes wide, trying to make out the figure standing in the dark family room.

"I was worried about you."

Minduelle walked over to him, turning on the kitchen light on her way there.

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