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"Hello?" Namjoon answered the phone, browsing through a plant nursery, trying to find a nice winter plant.

"Where are you?" Jin asked, sounding out of breath.

"Nature Valley's Heart, a plant nursery." Namjoon sat down the plant he was holding, frowning. "Why? What's wrong?"

"Min. Her father, something happened, I don't know." Jin hurried down the stairs at HYBE, going as fast as he could. "I just got a panicked call from Jungkook and I couldn't tell if he was just having a nervous breakdown or if Min hurt herself or something." Jin spoke quickly, shaking his head, trying to catch his breath. "I don't know just get home quick, she listens to you."

"Okay." Namjoon hung up and quickly exited the building, nothing able to stop-

"Hey Mister! Would you like a bouquet of flowers?"

"It was really nice we were able to meet up with our parents today!" Taehyung smiled happily from the passenger's seat of the car, one his fourth cookie that Jimin's dad made them.

"It's always nice to see them," Jimin glanced over at his friend, eyes widening once he saw the quantity of cookies. "Taehyung-ah! Stop eating so many! Appa said we had to give at least one to everyone else!"

"But they're so good!" Taehyung whined while Jimin took the box from him, closing it and putting it in the backseat. "I'm hungry." Taehyung sighed, crossing his legs.

"Seriously? Six cookies weren't enough?" Jimin laughed, Taehyung's jaw dropping.

"I only had four!!" Taehyung declared, Jimin not believing him.

"Mhm, sure." Jimin looked over at the car screen, seeing he had an incoming call from Jin. Jimin answered the call, the call on speaker through the car. "Hey Hyung! We should be back in about 40 minutes!"

"Can you guys pick up food tonight?" Jin asked, sounding stressed. "And like, chocolate icecream or something."

"Yeah, sure." Jimin glanced over at Taehyung, Taehyung shrugging. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah, just get home when you can." Jin said, defeat in his voice.

"Okay... We'll see you soon."


Jimin frowned and scrolled through his notifications on his phone, making sure he didn't miss anything. "That was weird."

"Yeah." Taehyung pulled out his phone and went through his notifications as well, clenching his jaw once he read a message.

min - my dad went crazy again. can you talk to me sometime tonight?

"Did you get a text about what's going on?" Jimin asked, noticing Taehyung lingered longer on his phone than he did.

"Nope, just my mom saying she misses me." Taehyung grinned, putting his phone away after typing a response. "You know how she gets."

"She's awesome." Jimin smiled, looking over at Taehyung. "I'm sorry your dad couldn't make it, by the way."

Taehyung shrugged, swallowing his sigh that he knew would guide Jimin into asking more questions and being concerned. "He gets busy. I understand."

"Yeah, but you haven't seen him in a while." Jimin said softly, knowing he personally would be upset if he couldn't see his father in so long.

"I can always call him." Taehyung forced a smile, turning up the volume of the aux, the songs he picked out playing louder.

Jimin took the hint and dropped the topic, knowing Taehyung had so much history he should talk about, but never did. He never could get him to open up about some things. Jimin turned down the volume a little. "Where should we get dinner from tonight?"

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