im in mourning

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if you haven't seen on my announcements, i've had the worst month of my life. my dog died, six kittens were murdered, my cat of six years is missing (probably dead), and the grand finale :

google docs wiped my account clean.

six years of writing, ideas, everything, gone.

which also means the almost finished chapter for this fic is gone. which also means the jin x minduelle makeout scene is gone.

that's heartbreaking.

im still coming to terms with everything and i'm trying to take care of myself as well. i've gone to the hospital twice since i came home from college and i have to go back tomorrow unfortunately.

so i know this is the upteenth time i've asked this, but please be patient. my life is hell right now and i just need time.

also, im scrapping the jin x minduelle makeout scene because fate :)

in all seriousness, im on the upward swing and i'm currently feeling inspired on how to rewrite the next chapter.

thank you to those who have reached out and/or posted encouraging words on my announcement page. i don't have the motivation to respond to them all, but i promise i read them and i deeply appreciate them all <3

i hope to talk to you guys soon <3

i hope to talk to you guys soon <3

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my bella bell <333

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