Unconventional, yet unintentional:
Sensibilities put to sleep,
Pride kicked out of the door;
Something beyond basic,
Something never spoken of,
Eventful, one after the other
An enlightened occurrence;
A lifetime of learning to live
A life to die for, in the end..
MUSINGS.. A collection of poetry
PuisiPoetry is.. beauty, style and grace; Poetry is.. insightful, precious and profound; Poetry is.. ecstasy, passion and glee; Poetry is.. past, present and future; Poetry is.. heart, mind and soul; Poetry is truly a blessing.. Feel the same? Somewhat...
Worthy of wish
Unconventional, yet unintentional:
Sensibilities put to sleep,
Pride kicked out of the door;
Something beyond basic,
Something never spoken of,
Eventful, one after the other
An enlightened occurrence;
A lifetime of learning to live
A life to die for, in the end..