8. Welcome to my nightmare

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a/n time: CONGRATS for making it this far in my little story, i hope you are enjoying it :0 this is smol book so far and plot is really running low but the song has more lyrics so maybe a book 2 sometime who knows maybe also if u have ideas tell me cause i am very uncreative rn but enjoy book pls no more author ramble bye bye now. READ book time 

Ahem, sorry, i just think i went crazy for a second there. All good :) 

Schlatt's reflection stared back at him judgmentally in the tempered glass window of Quackity's office. He stood waiting for the President, trying to perfect his tie as he waited patiently. Las Nevadas stretched in front of him and it made him think about how proud Quackity must be of his country. The desert surrounded it, with one road in and one out. Rumour had it Quackity built that desert, that it wasn't there before the country. Schlatt somewhat doubted this; though he believed that if Quackity put his mind to something he could achieve it.

"Think of the devil," Schlatt commented, as he heard the click of the door as Quackity entered. The president had a large grin on his twisted face and was wearing pretty much what he wore every day. Schlatt expected something more glamorous for the event, but alas it was Quackity's choice. There were a couple of things he noticed that were different about Quackity however: he had changed his earrings. Instead of the ordinary studs he usually wore, he now wore small silver rings up his ear, and Schlatt's gaze followed the silver chain from the top of his ear to the stud in his earlobe. Other than that, he also wore mascara and faint makeup which complimented his tanned skin. 

But the final difference he noticed was the fishnet gloves Quackity was wearing, which protruded from the sleeves of his white shirt and matched his black suspenders. His nails were painted a mix of red and black, a few shades darker than blood. Schlatt's gaze moved down from his nails; he saw a ring at the base of his ring finger on his left hand; a wedding ring, and Schlatt couldn't help but recognise it.

"Aww, you've been thinking about me? Cute," Quackity teased, coming to stand next to Schlatt, as his eyes glanced across his country. His dark hair had a healthy sheen to it, and there were yellow feathers threaded behind his ears; whether they were real or not, Schlatt wouldn't know.

"You look well," Schlatt commented. "By the way, sorry I cancelled on you the other evening-" 

Quackity smiled a tad, waving away Schlatt's apology with a flick of his hand. "It's fine," he said sweetly. "By the way, well? Is well the best you can do?" He teased, nudging Schlatt playfully.

"Okay, you look better than well. You look stunning," Schlatt said, glancing away from the city to its President. He didn't know whether to bring up the ring yet.

Quackity's scarred smile broadened. "That's a step up, thank you. You've smartened up too." Quackity leant against his desk. Schlatt did look smart; he'd switched out his white shirt for a red one, the same as he did when Quackity and he had gone to dinner; he was still fiddling with his tie, which made Quackity giggle a little. The President stood up straight and turned to Schlatt, before sliding his dainty fingers under the fabric of the taller man's tie, and loosely fastening it around his neck. "There you go."

"Thanks," Schlatt said kindly.

The atmosphere in Quackity's office felt charged with a blend of tension and familiarity as Schlatt adjusted to the unexpected compliments and the President's meticulous touch. The glow of the Las Nevadas skyline painted the room in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm ambience.

Quackity stepped back to admire his handiwork, his dark eyes gleaming with a mix of mischief and genuine pleasure. "There, now you're presentable for the grand opening. You clean up pretty well, Schlatt."

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