2: It's not an invitation

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The next day, Quackity was in his office again. He was working, he had piles of paper in front of him and he was studying every detail of the business plans of Las Nevadas while trying to push away the crippling nervousness of Dream looming in the back of his mind.

It was early evening when he heard a small knock on the door. When Quackity didn't answer immediately, Schlatt knocked on the office door again. "It's rude not to answer the door, prick," Schlatt hissed from the other side of the door. "I had the etiquette to come to your work to walk you to our date," He said, tapping on the door with his fingernail.

"Well, it seems that you are very impatient, Schlatt," Quackity replied from inside the office, pretending to sound a little bit annoyed, but he was glad that the awkwardness from the previous evening had passed. "And I still have stuff to do... You could wait outside a little longer, no?" He asked, smiling a little and still studying the plans he had in front of him.

"I arranged a time. You're stalling," Schlatt argued, before opening the door and then closing it behind him again. He was wearing a crimson red shirt under his black jacket, and trousers to match, along with a black tie that made him look very smart. "Open the fucking door otherwise I will, and then drag you to this restaurant."

"Well, I have a whole nation to run, you'll have to understand."

Quackity didn't look up, he was still studying the business plans he had in front of him. He was acting a bit cold, but there was a small smile in the corners of his lips. "Fine, let's go and have dinner now. And, I'm not your date, asshole. I'm your fucking ex." He said, still having a bit of a serious expression. He got up from the table and put on his navy blue jacket over his shirt, identical to the one he wore the previous evening.

"Of course, Mr President." Schlatt rolled his eyes, before offering his hand despite.

Quackity raised an eyebrow. His small smile became more sincere and he looked at Schlatt, taking his hand for a second, before dropping it again. "Are you trying to flirt with me or what?" Quackity sounded a little bit amused, there was no mockery this time.

"I'm being gentlemanly!" Schlatt argued. "I invited you to dinner, might as well make you welcome."

"Whatever," Quackity said, smiling at Schlatt. But then he looked away and got his jacket and put it on. "So... What are we waiting for? I want to go to dinner now." His tone was a little bit more playful than before.

"Alright, alright," Schlatt said, putting his hands up in peacemaking. "Come on then."

"Fine, fine..." Quackity said, rolling his eyes and walking to the door. He took his keys from the table. "Now... Shall we?"

Schlatt nodded playfully, taking the keys out of Quackity's hands, practically shoving him through the door before locking it behind them, and then strategically sliding the keys into Quackity's back pocket.

Quackity let out a small gasp before putting the keys in his blazer pocket instead, irritated. Schlatt looked as smug as ever, and Quackity wanted to wipe that stupid grin off his face. But instead, he just rolled his eyes, and asked, "So where are we going for dinner then?"

"A nice place downtown. It's nice, actually. If you like seafood," Schlatt said as they began walking. "I don't care even if you don't, by the way, we're going there."

"Schlatt- '' Quackity rolled his eyes. "That's alright," He hummed. "Is it far?"

"No," Schlatt replied. "Why, you cold? D'you want to borrow my jacket?"

"I'd rather die," Quackity said through gritted teeth, which actually made Schlatt laugh, genuinely. Not in some taunting way, as if he found Quackity funny, which made Quackity laugh along as well.

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