9. Where dreams go to disappear

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Beneath the veneer of celebration, a sense of unease simmered. Schlatt couldn't escape the feeling that the stakes were higher than ever...

As the clock neared midnight, marking the culmination of the grand opening, a sudden hush fell over the square. Quackity stood at the center stage, his dark eyes gleaming with determination. The moment had arrived for the grand reveal, the culmination of weeks of preparation.

In a dazzling display of fireworks and lights, the facade of a massive building was unveiled. The Las Nevadas Casino, a symbol of opulence and ambition, shimmered in the night. The crowd erupted into cheers, and Quackity's triumphant grin seemed to capture the essence of his vision for the city. The casino was tall and was made of dark stone bricks the the interior was luscious, full of red fabrics and golden trimmings. There was a fountain outside of it, the water glimmering under the night sky.

The party continued, and Schlatt couldn't help but grow more nervous. He'd received persistent messages from Dream, like faster, or now. Schlatt turned around to make sure no one was looking at his screen before tapping out a hasty reply: "Where the fuck am I taking him?", but had to turn off his communicator and shove it in his pocket as Quackity himself tapped Schlatt's shoulder.

"You coming inside?" Quackity asked, and Schlatt nodded.

"Yeah, sure thing," Schlatt said. Most of the crowd had already walked into the casino, but Schlatt stood by the steps, a cigarette hanging limply between his lips, the smoke wisping into the night air. "Q, Dream wants me to take you to the roof."

A look of confusion passed over Quackity's face. "You what?"

"I know, that's all he said," Schlatt's voice was quiet; Dream could have eyes and ears everywhere. He took out his communicator and showed Quackity Dream's messages.

"He means The Roof. An apartment block on the west of town," Quackity explained, and a look of embarrassment made Schlatt blush red. He should've known that. "Come on, if that jackass is out of prison and in my fucking country someone is gonna die tonight, and it's got going to be me. And preferably not you, but no promises," Quackity teased, grabbing Schlatt's wrist and beginning to sprint down the sidewalk, away from the heart of the city. Schlatt didn't even have time to laugh while trying to keep up with Quackity.


Quackity pulled Schlatt into the elevator at swift speeds, and rammed the button glowing in blue that read 'The Rooftop', and waited for the doors to close. His gaze then snapped to Schlatt, who was pale and nervous, staring at the screen of his communicator.

"Anything?" Quackity asked, and Schlatt shook his head. "Then put it in your fucking pocket."

Schlatt obliged and glanced down at Quackity, who was bristling with anger. "If this dickhead decides to blow up my country, I will murder him and everything else he loves and cares about."

Schlatt nodded along, expressionless. "Quackity, I'm sorry for this mess-"

"It's not your fault. Fuck, why did I put so many floors in this?" Quackity grimaced, but Schlatt's tone remained sincere.

"No, I fucked up. That bet-"

"I learnt my lesson, don't gamble. Get over it," The ring on Quackity's finger reflected light off the silver interior of the elevator. Schlatt wanted to console him, and eliminate his worries, but Quackity was closed off again. He'd built up these walls around him once more, and Schlatt couldn't penetrate them any more, so he should just give up trying.


"Well, well, fucking well, look who showed up," Dream cooed, as Quackity, closely filled by Schlatt, burst through the doors which lead to the roof of the Roof (how ironic, Schlatt reflected swiftly). "The president and his little puppet. Sweet, looks like we'll have some real fun."

Dream stood by the stone wall holding the three of them to the roof so they didn't fall to their imminent doom. He was sillouetted against the night sky, his axe between his fingers, but to Quackity's relief, no dynamite.

"What do you fucking want?" Quackity's fingers were curled around the small knife he had strapped underneath his shirt, however, for now, he kept the blade in the casing. He didn't come prepared for a battle, and Schlatt less so, as he held nothing but the top of a broken bottle he'd picked up on the stairs.

"You stole my fucking book. The Revivebook was mine! And you took it, you shitstain!" Dream shouted. "And for that, I'm going to kill you, on the night you live for."

And with that, Dream lunged, but Quackity swerved out of the way. He hadn't fought for his life since Technoblade, however he was on his last life. His eye was dark but showed fear. Meanwhile, all Schlatt could do was stare in horror, before he snapped into action. He had barely any previous experience with combat but tried his best with what he had. Quackity blinked at him as Schlatt walked behind Dream, and attempted to hit the smaller man in the back of his head with the bottle, and hit almost perfectly. Dream cried out, and put his hand to the back of his head, which was minorly bleeding. This offered as a distraction, and Quackity attempted to wrestle the axe off Dream, to no avail. Dream manoeuvred the axe out of Quackity's grasp, pushing him back against the wall, his arm and waist freshly bleeding. Their attacker then turned to Schlatt and hit him in the stomach with the handle of his axe, then returned his intentions to Quackity, who lay slumped by the wall, eyes closed in pain.

"Stand up, bitch," Dream hissed, and Quackity did as he was told, his hand on his gaping wound, which was oozing out crimson blood. Schlatt was still reeling, winded.

"Please..." Quackity whispered, his voice incredibly weak. "Please let me live..."

Dream's expression was smiling still. He was uncannily smiling, always. Always fucking smiling. He shook his head and was about to push Quackity over the short wall with the tip of his axe, where he would fall, fall into his own country forty feet below.

Quackity was expecting death, pain, brokenness. But it never came. He closed his eyes, but heard a strangled scream, coming from Dream. Schlatt had wrestled the masked man to the floor, repetitively punching his face.

"Go, otherwise I'll tear up the fucking mask, pussy," Schlatt stood, and Dream scurried away like a broken animal, flipping the two of them off with a middle finger, and retreating down the stairs.

"Stay the fuck out of my country!" Quackity screeched after him, before leaning against the wall, his hand still covering his wound, his white shirt stained red.

"Shit, sorry. Here," Schlatt said, taking off his jacket and using it to cover Quackity's wound. "We've got to get you to a doctor, Quackity-" Schlatt began, but Quackity shook his head stubbornly, his breathing shallow. "Quackity, come on..."

Quackity shook his head again, and stood up straight, his eyes meeting Schlatt's. "Thank you," He said, before leaning closer to the taller man, standing on his tiptoes and closing the gap between them. His lips met Schlatt's, kind of taking him by surprise. Quackity felt Schlatt's hand atop the hand on his waist, holding his blazer to his gaping wound. The ring was cold under Schlatt's fingers, finding his way to the silver band even with his eyes closed and his head tilted.


fuck yeah! third finished fanfic on this platform lets goooooo 

ermmm ive got some more little plans up my sleeves but they may take a while cause so far i have nothing apart from blank pages and ideas. 

STAY TUNED (hahah reference maybe heheheh) 

hope you enjoyed bye bye now 

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