Twelve (before the group dates)

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"Who are you voting for, for immunity?"

Alex is sitting on the couch in sweats and a tee, hair still wet from her very quick shower (32 girls and five bathrooms is tough), munching on salad because that's what one of the other girls made, and she'd said it was up for grabs. They're going to have to meet and talk about people making cooking plans, but at least it seems like there are a few people in the mansion that are willing to do it. (Alex, however, cannot cook to save her life.)

"No idea." She pulls her feet up, resting her salad bowl precariously on her knees so she can pull aside the throw pillow and invite Will to sit next to her.

"You might not want to eat while we talk, by the way."

"Hm?" Alex has a fresh forkful already in her mouth, awkwardly pushing the stems of spinach between her lips. She doesn't have a lot of practice with salad, to be honest. Her diet is more along the lines of 'college student ' than '25 year old woman.' And her hours make fresh produce hard to find and risky to keep without it going bad.

"It's not exactly a good look on camera," Will smiles, inclining her head to the cameras on the outskirts of the room.

"Oh. Right. Yeah." Alex wipes at her mouth again (with her napkin, for appearances sake). "Teeth check?" She bares her teeth briefly to Will, who lets out a soft laugh and gives the okay.

"Who are you voting for for immunity?" she repeats.

It takes only a fraction of a second to realize the repetition is to get a clean take where Alex doesn't have salad spilling out of her mouth. She still plays with her fork, stabbing at the food in the bowl. "I don't know. I was on the bus with Ellie, she seemed alright."

Will nods a couple times, then glances around, but at the moment most of the girls are upstairs and a few in the dining area or standing in the kitchen. Apparently not many people decide to eat on luxurious lounge furniture. Wonder why.

Will's voice lowers. "So— not to tell you what to do or anything," she prefaces, and there's still that sharp, perceptive gleam in her eye, even if she's approaching the topic softly. "But you might want to consider one of the girls that got the Opening Bids." There are two in Suit Hearts (and none in Suit Spades - which makes Alex's lips twitch in a passing thought of sheepishness on behalf of her team).

"Why are you thinking that?" she murmurs, thumbing at the fork's handle.

"I know you said you don't watch the show. But this sort of thing tends to reflect back. Like, if you vote for someone, they'll probably vote for you. And even though voting is supposedly blind... I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if something happened to change that one week."

Alex nods, considering. "Who are you voting?"

"To be honest, I think Jenna is a fave of Tyler, and he's not really who I'm interested in, so I was going to vote her."

Tyler is cute, but Alex isn't sure if he's her type either - though then, of course, she second guesses, because Nona might warn that she's taking his utterly sweet nature for granted. Sure, he's more sugar than spice, but she should hedge her bets. (So to speak.) Alex nods slowly, then cocks her head. "I'll think about it. That's a really good point, thanks."

Will's smile is part smirk, but it's the kind that Alex doesn't mind at all. Not a vicious smirk, just cunning. "We're in this together, okay? You wingwoman me for Kai, I'll keep an eye out for all the standard reality TV drama you might not catch."

Wingwoman? But... Alex kinda likes Kai. He's actually the one she's most attracted to at the moment. She hesitates.


"I don't think I'm cut out for politics. Talking to Will about alliances, I felt in over my head. Because Kai is kinda crazy hot, and I don't know if I feel comfortable promising to lay off him." Alex is legitimately conflicted. "...Then again..." She glances down at her hands, feeling sheepish. "I figure that... for now, maybe?"


"Tonight? Sure."

She's set a limit. And Will might notice that wording, and its implications, but Alex meets the slight narrowing of Will's gaze with wide innocent eyes. ...Ah, so this is how drama becomes inevitable.

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