Twenty-Four (during the 4x4)

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Alex found the whole roulette thing highly entertaining. A bit stupid. But entertaining. To be honest, she's a little glad her number never came up. She's not sure if having all four Kings at once is quite a good idea, especially with three other girls. A little much for right now.

Instead, as the four lucky ladies head out for their four-on-four date, Alex changes into sweats and a crop top. Because now it's girl chat time, and she intends to be comfortable.

"Saw you talking with Devon."

Alex glances up from her (now usual) position on the floor, to Hana. God, Hana is stunning. Porcelain skin, stunning high cheekbones, with almond-shaped eyes just slightly darker than the perfectly toned, perfectly sleek shoulder-length hair. Hana is the kind of girl Alex will never be. She's so calm and cool and put-together and elegant, looking Alex square in the eye as she sips a flute of champagne . Her favor for Devon seems apparent, at least to Alex.

"Yeah. He is... smooth."

"He is," Hana agrees leaning back a bit. She's not being cold. Which is what Alex might have expected. Instead, she's being very pragmatic - distant, but not unfriendly - a polite interest.

"I honestly didn't expect his interest in me," Alex admits.

"Hm. I don't know, I think you're a very intriguing person." Hana cocks her head, crossing her ankles up on the couch.

"Thank you! ...I think."

Hana nods, "It's a compliment, don't worry," she has a slight smile.


"I agree with Hana about why Devon would like Alex. She's like... Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman." -Amber (♦4)


"I actually like Alex. I think she's a very genuine person. I just don't think Devon is her match." -Hana (♥6)


"God, you're gorgeous." Alex sighs wistfully into her drink, and Hana's smile widens.

"That's very sweet of you."

"I feel like... you're like a princess." That draws out a soft laugh from Hana, and even that is pristine and delicate. "Seriously, though. Like— I bet you have a whole slew of secret skills, don't you? You're like a Bond Girl."

Hana laughs again. "I may have a few hidden talents."

"Ooh, I hope I get to see some. Don't tell me— I wanna be surprised."

Before Hana can respond, there's a short, "Alex," from behind.


It's Ashley C. "Heather's a little upset."

"Oh nooo!" Alex rolls onto her knees to pull herself up. "Where is she?"


"Elimination tomorrow." Alex drums her hands on her lap in the confessional room. "Heather was upset about it. The girls are getting a little antsy."

"Are you?"

Alex scoffs. "No way. I am not nervous at all." She's got a crooked grin on. "I might have been, if it weren't for your advice, so... thanks for that."

Delia shoots Alex a look. "See? Told you, it's a quintessential dating show experience."

"Never should've doubted you."

"I got your back, girl, I'm on your team."


"...We do have to reword all of that though," Delia laughs.

"Yeah yeah, give me a second..." Alex waves her off with a grin. So what if Jonas is gonna be standoffish? Delia's looking out for her.

Speaking of Jonas... When Alex shoots a look at him, he's got that standard disinterested impassive face. Back at the start, then.



Sooooooo how's Alex?
Gave her my love?

She's doing good. Said she misses you.

I sent her a text when you mentioned her, but no response.

She doesn't have her phone

? How does that work?

Aha we come back to the NDA

Boy you shady as hell

Nah, I'm just cautious

Sounds about right
I'll figure it out eventually
Start dropping some names for me to look up. Famous director? Cinematographer?

No luck

You asked her out yet?

She's actually dating someone

Seriously? Damn
Well, get used to the pining now, I know you. Give it 9 fucking months. Maybe 2 years. You'll eventually make a move.

I barely know her, but appreciate your optimism

Who's the S.O.?
Cause if they're another fuckin Frankie type, I'm giving you protector rights to fuck them up.

I don't do that anymore

You would, though. You know you'd punch Frankie in the face at the first opportunity.

Well, we'll never know

Regardless, I expect you to be the mule for me to talk to Alex.
Tell her I got space in my place in Seattle if she's still looking
I know she didn't feel safe in Portland anymore

I don't know if I can. We don't really talk.

Why the fuck not?
What did you do?

Oh, it's my fault?

Alex isn't the type to hold grudges against good people
And despite what you believe, you're good people
If she fucked up she'd apologize. If only to make things more bearable
So it's definitely you

Great. I'll keep it in mind

...Mhm good luck

Those dots are ominous
Oh and now I get the silent treatment?

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