Seventeen (the first group date)

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Arriving at the park the next morning, Alex feels a hell of a lot better than she had last night. Hearing about the other girls' dates had been fun - and actually pretty entertaining, 'cause apparently Tyler's dates had ridden a mechanical bull along with their square dancing, and that lead to a lot of jibing and jokes - but she'd still felt burdened by the awkwardness of the earlier conversation. But on the way to the park she'd been seated next to Heather, and as the girls up front chatted, and one of the producers let them play some music to sing along to, Alex had murmured in a low voice, making apologies, saying she'd be there to talk if Heather needed time to decide how she felt about it, overall trying to maintain her policy of open honesty. Which might have worked too well, 'cause there had been a brief moment of panic when Heather's eyes had welled up, and Alex had frantically attempted to stop any tears before they fell. But it had all ended with a hug, the budding friendship repaired, and Alex couldn't be more relieved.

The group date starts well, with Kai explaining how love is a journey, it's not always easy, and blah blah something about how hiking is a metaphor. Sure.

"...And once we reach the top, I've got a little surprise for you," he winks, drawing a cheer from the girls.

But then there's the actual hike.

Alex is used to riding her bike regularly, running courier jobs or app deliveries, things like that, but apparently some of the girls aren't as used to it. So she's ahead of the curve, even ahead of Will weirdly enough, and steadily trekking the path through the park.


"So I decide to hang back, really try to get a chance to talk to Kai some more." -Will (♠2)


"Like 'oh, look at how pretty the forest is, this is so nice' that sort of thing. It's not the deepest conversation, but we get to chat a bit, really get a feel for each other's company." -Lizzie (♠8)


"And Alex just, like, took off. Like just— I don't know if she realized it was a long thing, or— well maybe she just likes to take things fast, I don't know. Maybe she's just competitive. But I'll see her at the top, at least." -Kai


There's a camera crew already waiting at the top. There's a little bridge to cross over the top of a gushing waterfall, but they stop Alex before she can cross.

"We're just gonna wait for Kai."

"Oh." Alex takes a deep breath, feeling the burn in her calves from the walk. "Okay." Probably another awkward announcement. Group dates are weird.

She isn't waiting long before Will shows, then Brittany, then the rest all clumped around Kai himself, who's nodding sympathetically as Heather talks, on the verge of tears, one of the cameras mere feet away from their faces. He says something to her quietly, holding her hand, then breaks away to jog up to the bridge stairs.

"Okay! So we all made it to the top. Thanks for sticking with me. But now... it's time to take the plunge."

Alex's stomach sinks.


"I can't jump. I can't do it, it's— I— Just thinking about it, I can't!" -Heather (♠6)


"...I don't have a problem with heights. ...Just water." -Alex (♠A)

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