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Ragini stood motionless, looking at the stairs before her eyes. The thought horrified her. She turned around and walked toward her room, then she remembered the conversation she had with Sparsh last night. She made up her mind and walked toward the stairs with her heart pounding fast and entire body trembling in fear.

"Why don't you speak truth now? Rags, tell me that you love me. That you still love me," said Sid a little louder.

"Do you want everyone to know about our past? Stop shouting like this." Ragini said irritatingly.

"I don't care if they find out." Sid remembered something and it seemed he tried to process it in his mind and then he spoke again, "What past,ha? We still have the same thing we had in our past. We still love each other like we used to. Nothing's changed."

"Have you gone insane, for real? Do you really think nothing has changed between us? You know what, go and see a doctor. You need help!"

"I don't need a doctor. I need you. Please come back to me. You don't need to do anything, I'll convince our families. I'll confess my wrongdoings and will beg them for forgiveness and for you. For our love. I will go to any extent for our love. I promise I won't hurt you again, I won't repeat my mistakes and will never make you cry again. But please, I beg you to come back to me."

Sid was on his knees on the floor, tears flowed down his cheeks while his eyes reflected the pain he was in. Ragini, who had come to his house to make him suffer, was now worried about him. She had never seen him in such a miserable state. She knew that he loved her and that he would regret his decision later, but she never expected him to react in such a way.

"Sid, don't be like this. Get up and stop crying. What if someone comes? Let's talk about this later, everyone's home right now."

"Tell me that you love me, Rags."

"I don't love you. Try to understand. I am your brother's legal wife."

"But you don't love him."

"It was you who told me to marry him."

"Now I'm telling you to divorce him."

"Who are you? Who are you to decide for me? Who the hell are you to order me around? Why do you think I will listen to everything you say? The day we broke up, we were over. And with time, I got over you. My love for you is all drained out now and you need to know that. And don't forget, I'm your older brother's wife."

"You're lying, I know you love me," shouted Sid.

"I'm not. I..."

Sparsh entered the room and Ragini stopped mid-talking. Sid was still on his knees with teary eyes.

"Siddharth, what are you doing there?" asked Sparsh while coming closer to them.

Ragini volunteered to answer, "He bent down to pick up my spoon and his head banged on the corners of the bed. I guess it was painful, right?"

Sid wiped his tears and picked up the spoon and handed it to Ragini.

"Lemme bring another one for you," said Sparsh and took the spoon from Ragini.

"Let Siddharth do it. He was going downstairs anyway. Right?" said Ragini with a smile which both, Sid and Ragini, knew was fake and forced.

Sid left and Ragini took a sigh of relief. She noticed Sparsh who looked at hee with a questionable look.

"Is something wrong?" asked Ragini.

"I'm thinking about something," replied Sparsh without even blinking.


"About how you've not touched your food since I left you. What were you even doing? What were you gossiping about with Siddharth? And what is taking him so long to fetch a spoon? Lemme bring you a spoon myself."

The moment he got up, Jeevika arrived. She handed a spoon to him and sat on the bed.

"Bhabhi, are you feeling better?"

Ragini nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm all good. Tell this to Ma and Papa too."

"Take care of my bhabhi!" said Jeevika to Sparsh with seriousness on her face and left when we heard her son's crying sounds from downstairs.

"You have to finish this!" said Sparsh pointing toward the plate.

"What about you? Have you had your lunch?"

Sparsh replied with a nod and gestured her to eat, he watched her while she ate and she knew this.

"I've informed your parents about it. I guess, they will be here in the evening," said Sparsh while they rested in their bed.

"Is something wrong? You keep staring at me," said Ragini. Even with her eyes closed, Ragini could feel Sparsh glancing at her.

"Is that making you uncomfortable?" asked Sparsh.

"No, I just..."

Sparsh interrupted Ragini by pushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. Their eyes locked and it seemed they were lost in each other's eyes. Words didn't come out of their lips which craved for each other's taste. The silence between them was passionate in itself, with the sound of their hearts beating in the background.

"I don't think I can hold myself back if I stay here for another second," said Sparsh and tried to get out of the bed, Ragini held his hand and pulled him into a kiss.

The kiss didn't last long as they were interrupted by a sound of something breaking or smashing. It lasted for around two seconds and left a lifetime effect on the couple.

"Lemme go and see," volunteered Sparsh and went out.

"It's a flower vase. How did it fall down? God knows! I'll go and take care of the broken pieces."

Sparsh left and Ragini thought, "I hope you forget about me now."

Ragini had seen Sid wandering around their room and she knew he was listening to their conversation. She pulled Sparsh into a kiss because she wanted Sid to believe that he was no longer a part of her life, that she was a happily married woman.

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