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"Can you really cook?" Ma asked Ragini, watching her looking clueless.

"I'm not habitual of cooking, but I used to help Mumma in the kitchen. I used to be out all day and return in the evening so I didn't really... Don't worry, I'll take help from Youtube," she replied with a hint of guilt on her face.

"It's okay. I'll help you bhabhi," said Jeevika with a warm smile.

"Why would you learn from youtube? I'll teach you," said Ma with a reassuring smile.

So with the assistance of her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, Ragini managed to cook kheer for the entire family.

"Ragini, go and offer this kheer to God first. You cooked for the first time here so the first serving goes to the almighty," said Ma with a smile.

Ragini listened to her and went to the temple with a bowl full of kheer.

"Breakfast's ready!" Jeevika screamed and called everyone to eat.

Ragini returned to the kitchen and said, "Sorry, you had to cook for so many people all alone. I forgot to set up an alarm, I just couldn't..." Ma interrupted her by patting her back and said, "You're my daughter, starting from today! You've just become a member of our family, take some time, no need to rush, just be comfortable. And yes, Jeevika and the others helped me in the kitchen, I wasn't alone. I asked you to cook a sweet dish because it is a ritual but do you really think I would welcome you to our house with a load of house chores?"

Ragini was elated to hear all this and all of a sudden she hugged Ma. Sparsh was watching all this from a distance and could not help smiling.

"Sid, come and eat," said Jeevika when she saw Sid coming out of his bedroom.

"Ragini, have a seat!" said Ma.

"Ma, you're the one who should sit. Come!" And Ragini brought her to the chair and said, "I'll serve them, so please eat. You must have been tired too."

"Bhabhi has already managed to win Ma's heart, they have been so lovey-dovey since morning," said Jeevika while serving the breakfast to everyone on the dining table.

"See, I told you! Didn't I?" said Ragini's father-in-law.

"What did you tell her,Papa? I'm curious," said Jeevika.

"I told her that she will dote on Ragini and they will have a good time together." Then he remembered something and said, "All the plates are empty there, go and see what they need."

Since the table could occupy only eight people, all the men and kids sat in the living room with their plates.

Everyone loved the kheer and praised Ragini's cooking skills while she didn't hesitate to tell that the credit went to Ma and Jeevika.

"We just helped her a little bit," clarified Ma.

"Sid, what's wrong with you? Are you unwell?" said Jeevika with worrisome expressions.

"Exactly! You don't look good," said Papa.

"I just feel a bit sick. Don't worry, I'll be okay soon," said Sid with a fake smile.

Sparsh's phone rang and he went to a corner to talk.

"What? But I have applied for a leave. I can't go, that's not possible."

His voice was clearly audible and everyone wondered what it was about. He was a cardiologist and Jeevika told Ragini that he spent most of his time in the hospital. They assumed that it was an urgent case and they wanted him there.

After about five minutes, Sparsh returned and said, "I think I need to leave for Mumbai today to attend a conference. Someone else was supposed to go but... I don't know, it's just, I need to leave."

"You've just got married yesterday and they are making you work the very next day. They won't let you even breathe."

Ma was angry, and it was understandable.

"I'll go and check the tickets. I need to pack my things too," said Sparsh while checking his phone.

"Wait, book a ticket for Ragini too. She's accompanying you," said Ma.

"Ma, I'm leaving for work."

"So what? She's your wife. You got married yesterday and you're leaving her for work the very next day. I'm not going to allow this. Mumbai is nice, take her to the beaches," said Ma.

The moment beaches were mentioned, Sid was hit with nostalgia. Two years back, they were on a trip to Chennai and Ragini loved the beaches there. She played in water all day long and then fell sick the next day but still insisted on playing in the beach.

Both Ragini and Sid loved to travel. They traveled a lot in their college years and managed to find some time even while working. They spent many of their weekends exploring new places.

Sid missed those moments when they enjoyed each other's company and were together. He looked at Ragini and found her looking at him and he realized that he was not the only one who missed those times.

"At least you should ask her before making a decision, Ma. What if she doesn't want to?" said Sparsh.

"He's right, Ma. He's going for work, I'll be a hindrance to him. I'd rather stay here, with you," said Ragini.

"You won't listen to your Ma? Are you going to disobey me in front of everyone?"

Indian mothers hold degrees in emotional blackmail and they are all distinction holders in it.

Ragini couldn't say no anymore and agreed to join Sparsh.

"Since it's a two days trip, let's pack minimalistically. Is this bag enough for both of our clothes?" asked Sparsh, holding a medium sized black hard case trolley bag.

Ragini nodded and said, "Give me your clothes, I'll pack them for you."

"You can leave your bags here for now, we'll shift your clothes in the cupboard when we return," said Sparsh while Ragini was packing their clothes in the bag.

She noticed that the half of the cupboard was empty and she wondered why.

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