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"Ragini, did he pick up his phone?" asked Papa.

"No, Papa. He usually tells me beforehand when he has emergency cases. Lemme call him once more!" Ragini said while calling Sparsh once more.

"It's okay. He must be busy and didn't get any time to call you. Don't worry. Let's eat," said Ma while she served dinner in Ragini's plate.

It was around 11 p.m. and Sparsh was not back home. Ragini called him several times but got no response from him. She nodded off while waiting for him in the living room downstairs but woke up quickly and realized it was past midnight. She climbed the stairs and knocked the door of Sid's room after minutes of battling with herself whether she should knock or not.
Sid was awake so he didn't take more than a few seconds to answer the door. He looked at Ragini with great amazement and then asked, "How come you're here?"

Ragini replied, "It's quite late and Sparsh is not home yet."

"What am I supposed to do in this matter? He's a doctor, he sure has emergency cases to deal with everyday. Don't worry about him and go to sleep."

"But he's never this late. And he always informs me about his schedule and the changes in it due to any emergencies. Are there any numbers I can try calling to get in touch with him?"

"You don't know him well, Rags. He is a workaholic. I've seen him returning home in the mornings. I don't have any such number. Go and sleep."

"But he doesn't do that anymore. He..."

Sid interrupted her mid-talking and said, "It was because you guys were newly married then. Just go and sleep, your dark circles are clearly visible. You're not getting enough sleep because you keep waiting for him."

Ragini touched the puffiness under her eyes and said, "Sid, I no longer detest or blame you for anything. You don't need to feel sorry or guilty towards me. I really mean it!" And she walked out.

In her room, Ragini changed her clothes and tried calling Sparsh once more. She fell asleep in the sitting position only a few minutes later as she was worn out. She felt a warm touch on her forehead, she opened her eyes to find Sparsh gazing lovingly at her. A warm smile erupted on Sparsh's face and he kissed her forehead once more before whispering, "I love you."

Ragini sat up and pulled Sparsh into a tight hug and he gladly accepted her gesture. "Where were you? I called you several times and you didn't pick up even once." She pulled away and said, "I was worried."

Sparsh cupped Ragini's withered face into his hands and explained, "An unexpected emergency case arrived and I didn't get to inform you. The surgery lasted longer than I expected and my phone was in my cabin. I'm sorry for worrying you!" He kissed Ragini's sleepy and swollen eyes before landing a kiss on her lips.

"You must be hungry. Let's go downstairs."

"Lemme get fresh first!"

When Ragini reached the kitchen, Ma was already reheating the food for Sparsh.

"Ma, you should go and sleep. I'll take care of this," said Ragini while rolling out a chapati.

"I'm already awake, so no problem. Did Sparsh wake you up? I told him not to do so," said Ma.

"He didn't. I wasn't fast asleep, just nodded off."

Ragini served food to Sparsh when he came down.

"Ma, go and sleep. You must be tired too. Good night!" said Sparsh and Ma went to her room.

"Did you have your dinner?" asked Sparsh.
Ragini nodded.

"Wanna eat more?" Sparsh took a bite and brought it in front of Ragini's mouth and she accepted it.

"Why didn't you call me to open the door? You disturbed Ma's slumber."

Sparsh smiled and said, "She was worried about me just like you were. She was not sound asleep, she heard the screeching of tyres from my car and woke up. Otherwise I'd have called you, trust me."

They talked about the surgery Sparsh had attempted an hour ago while he ate. Ragini seemed proud of her doctor husband who saved lives of several people who battled against death. She gazed at him as if he was her favorite star whose brightness and light warmed her soul and planted seeds of peace and love in her heart which was, some time ago, broken into millions of pieces. She was glad he was her husband.

"Hey, stop staring at me like that! You're making me blush," said Sparsh smiling.

"Why can't I? I'm your one and only wife! Of course I can stare at you, all I want." Ragini widened her eyes.

"One and only wife! Do you want me to find some more then?"

Ragini picked up a knife from the table and pointed it towards Sparsh. "I'll kill you!"

Sparsh laughed and pinched Ragini's cheeks. He leaned towards her and kissed her nose. "I love you."

"I know, you said that in the morning before leaving for work, and then two times since you're home. Total three times!" Ragini chuckled.

"And you didn't reply even once."

Ragini's boxy smile displayed her white, perfectly aligned teeth.

"Don't laugh! Tell me that you love me."

"But why do I have to lie?"

Sparsh opened his mouth wide, pretending amazement at Ragini's answer. He was done with his dinner, he silently picked up his dishes to put them in the kitchen sink. He came back to Ragini with his face wearing fake anger and held her up in his arms.

"You're gonna pay for this now," said Sparsh while he carried Ragini to their room.

"I'm not scared of you."

"We'll see!"

Sparsh threw Ragini onto the bed and returned after locking the door. "So you don't love me?"

Ragini nodded.

"You're gonna regret this!"

Sparsh began tickling Ragini's feet but to his surprise she didn't respond. He tickled her bare belly, yet no response. Ragini laughed and said, "Lemme teach you a lesson, dear husband!" And she tickled Sparsh all over his body and this time, the reactions were strong. Sparsh laughed out loud, attempting to escape from Ragini's grip in vain. His laughter brought tears into his eyes and Ragini loved watching him laugh so heartfully. She finally stopped, letting him catch his breath.

"You're such a..." Sparsh was stopped midway by a sudden kiss from Ragini.

"I love you. I love you the most. More than anyone else in this world," said Ragini while she had Sparsh's face cupped in her hands.

"Lemme go and switch off the lights. And then we can..."

Ragini burst into laughter knowing what was in her husband's mind. Lowkey, she appreciated his idea.

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