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There are so many people that i wish i can thanks and list one by one in this section, but then that would take so much space and well, you wont be reading the story until later

To be noted this novel was a part of a personal project at my last school, MIS, and there was so many different things i could have chosen to do, but i chose this. 

The first person that I would like to give my greatest gratitude would be Mrs. Sylvia Saragih who guided and helped me throughout the process of writing the book and helping editing every single chapter as the project went along. If you have not agreed to be my mentor and editor, I truly believe that Trust would never had been written. I thank you so much for sparing the time and effort to help me because I know that editing these chapters which are quite long must have taken a fair amount of time. I am so thankful, Mrs. Saragih that you did not discourage from writing the novel just because it was a lot of work.

I did not mention the other person who I should have mentioned in the printed version of the novel in April 2012, but I’ve decided to mention her here. To Ms. Wendy Lewis I also want to say thank you for allowing to do this project while you were my Personal Project overall mentor, since if you had said no, this book would not be here today. Thank you Ms. Lewis for  keeping me in check and just guiding through the overall project. You are a great personal project mentor. 

Lastly, I obviously need to say a few things about this certain individual. My dearest friend and I suspect to be my long-lost twin, Jessica Fushada, you are awesome to simply put it. You helped since the beginning of the project even until the last moments despite you having the equal burden of the PP. You helped reading some of the chapter before I handed it in, and gave your comments which helped made Trust as it is. I can even say that some twists in Trust itself came to be from your suggestion. The friendship between the certain characters reminded me of our friendship, the crazy and the awesome of it all. Thank you for never giving up on me and believing in me when I needed it. (HIGH-FIVE!)

Also thank you everyone who helped through the novel writing process and the personal project as well even though your names might not be in this page, you were still a part of the project and I thank you for that. 

Happy Reading!

A million thankyous, 

Caroline Cawthon

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