Chapter 10: Ultimate Sincerity (Part 2)

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Morning came with such a surprise Not only had Sapphira's news shocked me just the other day, but today there was more news to come. Just about after the sun rose, Evander stood in front of the mouth of the cave, trying to get in.

I instantly stood up and grabbed the sword and pointed right at him. I didn't like him in the palace, I liked him worse here. He better leave or I swear I will kill him.

"Take your sword away, warrior. There is no threat." Evander said calmly, walking towards us with no fear. He came with pure intentions, for Evander that was, he was one of those kind, those annoying kind.

Though his outfit did not support his words, he didn't look too unthreatening. He was wearing a leather cuirass with armor on his chest, a red cape flowing from his shoulders, Oddly he was wearing this somewhat Roman costume. Has the Greek converted to the Roman ways?

"I think otherwise. Where is your army? Lurking behind the bushes with their weapons ready?" my sword stayed put, not sure whether he was to be considered a threat or an ally. Not that his presence was greatly welcomed. I did not trust him, I never would, ever in my life.

"No, I came alone. It was not hard, You left quite a track behind," he said with arms in the air, a sign of surrender. Still I could see the sword he had on his hip, not so defenseless was he? I raised the sword closer to his neck, where his expression didn't change. He was a brave one, that I would admit. Left a track? Huh, I did not leave any significant tracks I—then I remembered, I had Sapphira with me, she must have left some kind of symbol of her existence in passing the places we have. Quite clever for a woman.

I heard movements behind me, Sapphira must have been awake. She had quickly risen and eyes bolded as soon as she saw Evander standing in front of me.

"Evander! Put it down, Alexious. I said put it down!" Sapphira came from behind and cheered so gladly as soon as she saw Evander. She tried to push me out of the way, but I stayed still, then she pulled my hand down, easing the sword away from her long lost pathetic love's neck. She was so excited to meet him, I might as well give her that lovely chance.

"Fine, suit yourselves." I rolled my eyes then withdrew the sword and placed it back into the case with a loud and rough motion. I moved out of the way and leaned on a wall not too far from the mouth of the cave.

Sapphira ran to him and they both hugged each other. One clearly more needy than the other. I was not talking about the woman. I looked at the ground, the thought of looking at them hug rather slightly turned my stomach.

"Are you alright? Any injuries?" he whispered checking her head, arms, shoulders, which I found as an offence. What, he thought I could not protect one girl from danger?

" I am fine, how is everyone else? Mother, Father? Aristides?" Sapphira asked anxiously, Clearly this had been on her mind for a long time. Not that she actually cared for herself, everyone else was always first on her list.

Evander's glad face turned rather dim, The news of whatever had happened, he looked as if he wished not to give news of it.

"What? What is it? Are they..?" her voice started to shook, fear sinking in.

"They are a—"

"They are with my father, and by 'with' I mean in a dungeon below. If they are not dead already." I answered her question rather nonchalantly, It didn't matter how the news was delivered, bad or good news would remain the same anyway you give it. Post-poning would not help anything, if they were dead or in danger, might as well give her the news let her own heart be prepared.

Evander shot me an are-you-an-idiot look and rolled his eyes.

"What? Evander, is it true? They are dead?" Sapphira's voice started to sound restless and frantic.

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