Fluttering fun

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The next day Yukari left before I woke up so I decided to help Dad in the barber shop. It wasn't very busy so I didn't have much to do, but sometime later a girl walked in with orange hair and a school uniform. She introduced herself as "Saori" and said that her friend had told her to play the arcade game. She was very pretty and I quickly offered to help.

I paid for a game and we had fun playing together.

Saori smiles - "That was fun Y/N! You're such a good gunner."

"Oh, uh thanks."

Saori - "Can I see your phone?"

"Uh sure."

Saori takes my phone and gives it back a few minutes later.

"So what did you need to do?"

Saori - "I put in my phone number. Call me sometime, I had a lot of fun."

My face goes red. "Y-y-yeah, I-I will."

Saori smiles. "Are you free later? We could catch lunch together."

"Yeah, I'm free. How about eleven?"

Saori - "Sure! It's a date then. Meet me at the new restaurant that opened up."

Saori leaves happily leaving me wondering what new restaurant had opened.

Dad tells me to get ready for my date instead of working. Having heard the word "date" Mom rushes in to prepare me for it. After dressing me into the nicest clothes I didn't know I had and telling me where the restaurant is I am sent on my way. Now that I know where the restaurant is I am now wondering what kind of restaurant it is. I just hope it isn't British food, people eating like the Germans are still overhead.

I arrive at the restaurant early and reserve a table. It wasn't the type of restaurant that needs a reservation but I didn't want to wait for a table when she came. When she arrived she was wearing a nice dress and made me take pictures with her.

Luckily it was a normal restaurant, if not nicer than most. We both ordered a soda and shared an appetizer. During our lunch Saori added me to her social media and took many pictures of the date to share.

"So aren't you apart of the tankery team?"

Saori - "Yeah, how did you know?"

"I saw you on the news when you won the finals."

Saori - "Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. Being on the news I mean." Saori looks at me with slight wonder. "So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on land, going to school?"

"My school runs on an agrarian calendar."

Saori looks at me confused. "Huh?"

"It means that I have nine months of school and the remaining three months of summer as vacation before the next year."

Saori nearly chokes on her drink. "What?! That's awesome! I wish our school could do that."

"But who would take care of the ship during summer?"

Saori - "Yeah, I guess you're right. Then I guess we'll have to go out again soon before you have to go back."

Saori giggles as I blush.

"I guess I'm doing something right."

Saori laughs, "I've never had a boyfriend before but I enjoy our time together."

"Boyfriend?" I go red at such a straitforward sentence.

Saori goes red as well. "Y-yeah. Is it a problem?"

"N-no, it's not a problem. You just caught me off guard. I didn't expect that so soon."

Saori jokingly exclaims, "well you're my boyfriend now so get used to it!"

I feel embarrassed at all the people turning to look at us until Saori shyly says, "Um, you got the bill right? I forgot my wallet."

I laugh. "I was going to pay anyway."

Later that day Saori and I walk through the park and share stories. At the end we made a plan to meet up again the next day to show her the tree. I'm sure she'll love it.

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