Chapter 2

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Anaya's POV
Waking up in my own bed in my very first house was such a new feeling my. It felt oddly strange but the feeling is refreshing and not having to worry so much weather my partner was at or when he is coming home.

Now I'm not expecting anything and it's just me I have to worry about.

I rolled out of bed and yes literally rolled out of my bed and opened up my window. Flashbacks as I witnessed a shocking scene yesterday when I saw Jey or at least I think it was Jey Uso, about to fuck the shit out of some girl at his window and he winked at me.

That was just the craziest and weirdest thing I ever seen but I can't be a worry about that.

I looked around my room and I noticed I have some garbage and some recycling today along with some cleaning. A house takes a lot of work to maintain but it needs to be finish.

The sooner the better.

I started to grab a trash bag and began to pick up any garbage around me room and downstairs in my house. After that, I went outside to my front yard as I struggled to pick up the heavy trash bag over me and threw it away. I clapped both my hands together to remove dust as well as I dust my shirt off.

I heard a car beep just a few feet from me as I saw the same woman from Jey's window, now fully clothed with a long jacket and a red dress with her make up and hair all messed up but she tried to fix her hair with her hands to try to press it down.

I just shake my head as I see this girl is trying to leave with herself all messed up.

"Mariah!" I heard a name being shouted as I saw the guy that looks like Jey coming out with a purse in his hand.

The girl turned around quickly and took it as she smiled and gave him a small kiss on the cheek before she left in her car.

I continued to stare until Jey, who I think looks like him stares back at me. We stare at each other for a brief moment until he waves slowly. I tensed up as I quickly look away and pick up my recycling bag and threw it into the recycling bin and quickly walked back inside.

I slam the door behind me as I take a long breath.

This is all too much for me and I don't think my heart can take it.

I don't know why I'm acting so tensed and scared when I could just find out for sure if it really is Jey. I know this is just gonna cloud my mind forever but apart of me is truly hopeful it isn't Jey because I'm not sure if I will be able to face him.

What if he still hates me for what I did?

I know it's been more than ten years but that day really hurt me and I betrayed him.

I know what I have to do. I'm going over there to introduce myself as a part of the neighborhood and hopefully the past won't affect us from being just friendly neighbors. It's like I said before, it might not even be Jey Uso and my brain just playing tricks on me to believe that Jey.

It's 50/50 right now.


I made myself look presentable as I brought a container of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. I walked over to the house next door and knocked on the door and rang the doorbell once. I waited for about a minute or two until the door was finally opened.

As I stood still, my eyes widen again as I realized I was really staring at Jey Uso, my childhood best friend since when I was 5 years old.

Jey was staring at me with his head titled slightly, waiting for me to respond. I bit my bottom lip as I blink rapidly and stick out the case of cookies in front of him.

"Hey, you might not remember me but I'm Ana-"

"Anaya Wilson. Yeah I remember you. We literally just saw each other." Jey cut me off as he spoke to me.

He sounds the same and he looks so different from what I remember. Of course time has change but his demeanor is so......stoic.

"Yeah, just this morning when I was taking out the trash." I reminded.

"Nah I meant from the window last night." He reminded and my mind went blank.

So he did see me and he was winking and smirking at me.

"Right......but I made you some cookies." I practically shove them into his chest lightly.

Jey looked down at it and smirked as he accept the container of cookies.

"You wanna come in Naya?" He asked and I was shocked.

After all these years apart, he still remembered to call me Naya. That was his nickname he gave me ever since we were little kids. I smiled and nodded.

"Um...sure." I accept and Jey step aside and let me in his home.

I walked in as I was surprised on how large it was inside but everything was so luxurious and expensive that I know he shopped to put in his home but I shouldn't be surprised.

Him and Jimmy became WWE Superstars and they are practically millionaires.

I walked around slowly but saw Jey heading to his kitchen as I followed behind him. I was him opening the container of cookies as I he took out one and ate one in front of me.

"Mmm" he closed his eyes as I watch him chew on my cookies. "These are good." He complimented and I smile.

"Thanks, I'm glad you like them." I said to him.

"So, when did you move back to Pensacola?" Jey asked me.

"Just this month."

"You was living in LA?"


"Where's your man? He moved here with you?" He asked me.

"We broke up and I live by myself." I admitted to him.

Jey stopped chewing on the cookie as I saw a surprise expression on his face as he looked down at the cookies.

Now the tension is awkward.

"Well.....I should probably get going. I don't want your girlfriend coming back here seeing me in your house." I announced as I was getting ready to walk out the door.

"I don't have a girlfriend." Jey admitted and I stopped just a millisecond at the door.

"But that girl-"

"She's just a girl a met for the night. Nothing serious." He admitted.

Wow, I didn't know he would bring girls to his house just to fuck them. I guess he is not a relationship type dude.

"It's none of my business anyways." I said to him. "You don't have to return the container, I have plenty at my house." I said lastly as I left his house.

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