Chapter 9

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Anaya's POV
I'm on my way home from a long day at work and hopefully I could relax myself for the rest of the day. I looked over at Jey's house and seeing that his Bugatti is in his drive way. I haven't heard from him in a couple of days and it seems like he is home now.

I decided to go pay him a short visit to see how he's doing.

I knocked on the door and thought to see Jey but I saw that dashing white boy from Roman's birthday house party. His eyes widen when he saw me up but he smiled like he was happy to see me again.

What was his name again? I think it was......Cody?

"Hi." I spoke first.

"Hey, What's up?" He spoke back. "I'm just shocked to see you here. Do you live around these neighborhoods?" Cody asked me.

"Yep, right next door actually." I admitted and Cody was astonished to hear that.

Cody peaked out the door to see the side of my house.

"It's nice by the way." He compliments my house.

"Thanks but is Jey home by any chance?" I asked him as that is the real reason why I am here.

"He's upstairs packing his stuff. We have a show tomorrow night in Los Vegas and we are about to leave in a few hours." Cody admitted and I nodded slowly.

"I see....we'll I wouldn't want to disturb him so I'll get going." I waved awkwardly as I began to leave but I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, stopping me from leaving.

"Hey wait, So I forgot to ask you this at the party but I didn't want it to be weird when I only just met you." Cody began to say. I saw him scratching the back of his head nervously. "But can I like have your number? I feel like.....we have a lot in common." He says to me.

I furrowed my brows at him as I crossed my arms.

"Oh we do?" I smirked.

"Yeah since you are close with Jey and Jey and I are co workers and best friends. I can even go further into saying we are brothers." He stated his reasons.

Cody is....definitely interested and I can tell he's not 100% confident when he talks to me. Don't get me wrong, he is very good looking and he gives me the gentleman type nice guy vibes which is super rare and that's what many women wants.

The fact is right now I don't want a relationship. Even though he is........dashing.

"I'll give you my number." I decided to agree.

Cody smiled as it was charming and cute at the same time. They were purely and white and I liked how his dimples were showing too. He gave me his phone and I typed in my number.

"There but if you really wanted it, you could of asked Jey" I pointed out.

"Believe me I tried but he wouldn't give it to me. All he did was frowned and gave me that look like he wanted to kill me." Cody said and I laughed and that mad Cody chuckled a bit too.

"That sounds like him. Always looking mad as hell with that stank ass look he always put up." I laughed some more and Cody did the same.

"Yo Cody who at the........Naya?" Jey saw me and quickly passed Cody. I smiled and waved at Jey at him."Whatchu doin'n here Naya?" He asked me in a serious tone.

"I came to say hello to you. It's been a minute since we last talked." I responded to him.

"I've been busy with work. I'm actually about to head off in a few hours. So I didn't have much time to hangout with you." He explained but I already understand.

"I'm not upset and I completely understand but I just wanted to check up on you." I admitted to him.

Jey gave me a frown and then looked back at Cody and then back at me.

"Really? It seemed like you were giggling and having fun with my boy Cody."

"We were only have a friendly conversation Jey and I didn't even know Cody was here." I admitted but Jey still frowns.

"Hey Jey, I'm gonna head upstairs and pack while you two talk." Cody cuts in and announce.

Hey turned his head slightly and nodded and Cody left but without giving me a worried glance. Jey closed the door behind him and stood tall in front of me with his chest slightly puffed out.

"Is there a problem with me talking to Cody?" I asked him, now feeling annoyed.

"Yeah there is actually. Cody is my friend and I do consider him a brother to me. So I don't want him talking to the girl that I have feelings for." Jey admitted and I roll my eyes and sighed.

"Jey we talked about this. We agreed to stay as friends." I reminded him.

"I know what we agreed but I'm not gonna stand here and lie that I still don't got feelings for you. I'm not gonna stand her and pretend I don't want you, to kiss you, hug you, touch you, and fuck you." He said as I was flabbergasted of his outburst.


"And you can stand there lookin'n all cute and confused and shit all you want but I'm glad to remind me you I'm the man that made you cum all over my dick and I'll be damn sure do it again. So keep thinking I don't want you Princess." Jey stated as he went back inside his house and closing the door at my face.

I was render speechless from Jey as I couldn't believe what just happened. I decided to just walk away back home and try to relax.

Just like I originally planned to do.

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