Chapter 12

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Anaya's POV
The whole day I was with Jey. He made sure I was okay and he did everything he could to keep my mind off of my ex Trevor. I can't believe he found me and I only been here less than a month now. I did everything to get away from that bastard and now he is out there somewhere, probably waiting to hurt me again.

When will I ever escape this fucking nightmare.

"Princess, I got you something." I saw Jey head popped out from the door with a smile. I sat up on my bed and saw he brought me a mug.

I smiled as I knew he brought me some hot coco.

"Thank you for everything honestly Jey." I told him before I took a sip from the mug.

"Of course baby. I will always be here for you." He told me.

His lingered around my cheek as he pushed my hair back with his finger behind my ear. I sort of blushed from his touch but I don't show it when I kept the mug hiding me grin.

"It's good to have you in my life." I smiled at him.

"Then why you run away?" He questioned me and my smile turned into a frown. "I know you went to college here Naya but you moved all the way in LA for this man?" He questioned me again.

I already felt my hands twitching as a scratched my fingers with my long nails as I think about all the horrible things Trevor did to me. All the nights I spent afraid that he would do some despicable things to me but I looked at Jey, who looked at me and gave me a worried look as he wanted to know my story.

"I was in love with him Jey. Truly I thought I was. For the first year of us being together, he showered me with gifts, payed all the rent, took my shopping and treated me like I was his queen. He was kind and gentle to me and I thought nothing ever could go wrong. Then one night he got so drunk and he came home a mess and I tried to help him but all he did was shove me off and then he slapped me. He didn't just do that, he then started kicking me and calling me a bitch and slam me across the walls. Trevor would carry me, tie me up and strip me naked forcefully and rape me even when I begged and scream and told him to stop. He never did and he practically did it every night. Sometimes he would bring his fuck niggas at our crib and violate me and put their hands on me every chance they get and Trevor did nothing to stop them. He let them try to sexually harass me and didn't give a fuck. Not to mention he was unfaithful and cheated one multiple times with other bitches at the club and then come home and try to touch up on me like I couldn't smell that another bitch was on you. Oh and that engagement crap, he pulled that shit at a restaurant in public and had a big ass speech about how much he loved me and he wants me to be the mother of his children and spend every minute with him. All the customers at the restaurant cheered for him and practically force me to accept it to not embarrass him and myself. Trevor was a bipolar, arrogant, manipulative, toxic bum ass cheating nigga that I spend five years of my life wasted on. After I was able to escape his ass, I saved up my money and seek therapy to help me recover and moved her and bought a house for myself.." I admitted the whole story and Jey just looked mad.

He looked so angry after I told him everything and he looked like he was ready to explode and wanted to hurt somebody real bad. I was kinda getting intimidated because I don't know what he is thinking.

"I swear to god if that nigga shows back here again, I'mma kill 'em." Jey stated.

"I just don't know how he found me. He was locked up when I called the cops one night when I locked him out the room because I couldn't take the abuse anymore. The officer told me he was going to jail and he will never mess with me again." I explained as I thought there was no way Trevor could walk these streets again.

"Your ex clearly got some rats on the streets and was able to get bail for him and I bet those same rats told him you left LA and planning to hunt you down." Jey explained to me and I had no idea he knew some much about shit like that.

He had to be right because everyone knew Trevor all over LA.

"How you know so much about shit like that?" I curiously asked Jey.

He looked at me and smirk.

"I know a lot about jail and I'm very familiar with it." He says and I still tilt my head in confusion.

It took me a minute but I figured out what Jey was saying. I roll my eyes at him as I know this boy ain't trying to tell me he spend some time in jail like it was a good thing.

"How long did you serve in jail?" I asked him.

"About a week. I learned so much in such a short amount of time. They were all drug dealers and murderers and I'm betting your ex was a drug dealer." Jey admitted to me.

"There's got to be something I can to do. Jey please help me. I don't want to go through that shit again." I begged him.

"You won't I promise. All you got to do is get a restraining order against him. I'll even go with you at the police station tomorrow." Jey suggested and I nodded.

Jey pulled me from my bed and wrapped me in his arms again, petting my head as he lets me know everything is gonna be alright. I trust his words and I embrace him even more. I swear Jey makes me feel safe in a very long time.

A/N: Happy Valentine's Day! 💗
Ignore the mistakes :)

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