Chapter 24

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Anaya's POV
I had to best weekend but it was officially time for me to head on home. Jey did everything in his power by trying to make me stay but he needed to know the reality of work. I have bills to pay and cleaning to do back home.

Not to mention Chrissy came along with us and she definitely can't be here any longer.

She has a fiancé waiting at home for her that she has to go back to. Plus a job as well to help pay bills. I know Jey is gonna do great tomorrow night on Monday and I will sure watch him like I always do.

"Aye, make sure you call me once you reach back." Jey tells me as I finished packing my stuff.

"Yes baby, I promise I will call you." I said walking up to him and giving him a quick peck on the lips.

"After the show, I'mma make sure I head straight home." He tells me and I nodded, earning him a second kiss on the lips.

I put my hand on his chest smiling at him.

"Baby, I have to go now." I announced to him and he gave me a one last hug before we departed.

I already felt an emptiness without my other half but I know it's only temporary.

I already saw Chrissy coming down with her bag with Roman by her side and I was that she was giggle as he whispered something in her ear. Yeah, I don't like this little.....thing they got going on and it's not sitting well with me.

"Oh, Hey Naya! You ready girly?" She approached me.

"I am." I answered.

"Cool because I'm tired of the hotel life. I miss my bed at home." She said to me as we walk together. "Speaking of which, I just forgot. I need to find Trinity and return her make up bag that she let me use." Chrissy mentions.

"Shit she's probably outside already with Jimmy with the tour bus." I tell her.

"Great, I better give it to her now." She says as Chrissy rushes out the hotel.

Now I'm left alone with Roman as we walked the hotel hallway together.

"Hey Roman, can we talk for a second?" I asked as I need to get this off my chest.

"Yeah sure Nay. What's up?" He said, giving me his full attention.

"Do you like Chrissy?" I questioned him.

"Why you asked?" He questions me.

"I just sense this vibe that there is something going on. She probably didn't mention this but she's an engaged. I know her fiancé for many years and I know you been flirting with her since we've been here." I let Roman know.

"Your friend Chrissy is a beautiful woman and I'm a man that has needs. So yeah I'll admit, I have been flirting with her. I know she's engaged but that didn't stop her from staying in my hotel room for two nights." He smirked which is starting to irritate me.

"You knew the reason why she had to stay with you. You volunteered to help her."

"And Chrissy is an adult to make that decision. She agreed to spend two nights in my hotel room. All on her own." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I get it. You're bored and shit and you need someone to play with. Jey tell me all about how you and him use to be fucking around at the club and bringing home girls but I'm asking you right now Roman......No, I'm telling you don't mess with Chrissy." I warn him.

"And Respectfully Naya, I don't think I can. I like Chrissy a lot more now and we all know she loves me already. I just got to wait until the water gets warmer." Roman says lastly, walking away with a big goofy grin on his face.

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