Chapter 3

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Me: Why can't I just win(ToT)

Enjoy the new chapter (sorry it's coming late(^^;))


Dade had witnessed the extent Brian could go, just to get what he wanted. He'd promise heaven and earth just to bed his target; a friend of his was a victim. She never dated anyone to this day after Brian dumped her.

Dade knew how Chae Rin could be, so he worried even more. But he couldn't do much as Chae Rin would dislike it, so he averted her from Brian however he could.

One day, Chae Rin was grinning from ear to ear when she came to gym class. It was obvious that someone was behind all that, which Dade pretended not to notice. Again.

Dade: Mornin' Brusell sprout.

Chae Rin:  Mornin' Beanpole.

They proceeded in silence to the court where the teacher stood. Brian was doing stretches on the side, and Chae Rin waved at him. Dade looked away from them, and the class began.

Half an hour later, they were on their waterbreak when Brian headed towards Chae Rin and sat with her. Dade left and sat on a bleacher away from them.

Chae Rin looked at him confused, but he didn't look her way

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Chae Rin looked at him confused, but he didn't look her way. Then some guys came over, and they talked.

Brian: Don't move yet. Your laces are loose.

Chae Rin: Oh. I didn't notice. I'll tie them up.

Brian gently moved her hand and smiled at her.

Brian: Worry not, I'll do that for you.

Dade could see the cliché scene that was about to play out, so he went over to them and put his hand between their faces

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Dade could see the cliché scene that was about to play out, so he went over to them and put his hand between their faces. And pushed Brian's nose away with his finger, wiping it off immediately after.

Dade: Too close

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Dade: Too close. PDA is not allowed during school hours.

His friends muttered, exchanging confused glances. How embarrassing. Chae Rin looked at him like she'd kill him; she'd never done that before. Brian gave him a condescending look, as usual.

Brian: And where did you pop up from? Such insolence. You dare to touch my nose for no reason. Do you like it so much that you couldn't resist touching? FYI, I don't swing that way.

Chae Rin spoke low but clear enough for him(Dade) to hear.

Chae Rin: I don't know what your problem is today, but deal with it.

She stood up and left with Brian to gym practice. He stood there, staring at them, and went to the locker room to rinse his face and reflect. He felt he was doing the right thing, but things have gotten out of hand.

It was too late to warn her. Doing that now would mean the end of their friendship. He was willing to risk it, for her sake - she'd thank him later when she saw Brian's true colours - he thought.

He texted her an apology after gym class and went for the next one. She avoided him the rest of the day, so he went home alone. Their friendship dipped from then onwards.

 Their friendship dipped from then onwards

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