Godrick, The Grafted

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Mutasim P.O.V

Melina had brought me to a place called the Roundtable Hold where I met a bunch of other Tarnished, each of them seeking the Elden Ring in their own way. And there was another. A blacksmith chained to the Roundtable Hold as a prisoner. He didn't seem human but he also didn't seem like a bad guy either. Despite being imprisoned in the Roundtable Hold, he loved strengthening weapons. So when I handed him my greatsword, he practically leapt to work on it. 

With my weapon strengthened, I returned to Stormveil and progressed through the castle, fighting all the soldiers and even facing some giant lion thing with a blad attached to one of its paws. Not only that, but there was some other creepy thing with horns, it reminded me of Margit. Were they the same species or something? I recall hearing about "Omens" from Margit before he vanished entirely. Or maybe it was something else. 

It didn't matter since I had now just arrived at a yellow fog wall. Whatever was on the other side was going to be a big issue for me to deal with. Before I could walk through, I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, prompting me to turn around. It was Melina. 

Melina: Be careful, Tarnished. Godrick may be the weakest of the Demigods, but he is still a champion. He will not be like Margit or the others you have faced. 

Mutasim: Thanks for the heads-up Melina. And I'll do my best to come out of this alive. 

I smiled at her. It seemed to put her mind at ease and she nods at me, wishing the best for me before vanishing into the blue whispy fog. Damnit! I forgot to ask her about it! Oh well. I can wait a little longer. Shaking off my curiosity, I walked through the yellow fog wall, finding myself in a graveyard. Weapons and body parts were strewn everywhere and in the centre of the path, was a giant cloaked figure, standing in front of the corpse of a dragon. 

Mutasim: So dragons exist in this world... I'll have to remember that. 

I mutter under my breath. 

Godrick: Mighty dragon. Thou'rt a trueborn heir. Lend my thy strength, o kindred. Deliver me unto greater heights. 

He stroked the dead dragon's head, making me cringe. 

Mutasim: Hey, uh. Leave the necrophiliac stuff to the Deathbed lady, won't ya? 

A/n: Hey! No 4th wall breaking! 

Mutasim: What? I'm just saying Fia's a necrophiliac. I mean in the intro cutscene she is literally naked and sleeping with a fucking corpse! 

A/n: Just... Get on with this chapter. Please? 

Mutasim: Fine. Fine. 

Godrick turned towards me with a sinister grin. 

Godrick: Well... A lowly Tarnished. Playing as a lord. 

His cloak was thrown off by multiple hands from his back! Holy... shit! He had way too many hands! Getting a closer look, I realised that's why his body was so big. It was just a complete fusion of hundreds of other bodies! His legs, his arms and his torso was all made up of others! How much was actually Godrick himself under all of that mess? 

He picked up a colossal axe with a lion etched onto it. 

Godrick: I command thee, kneel! 

He slammed the head of his axe down in front of him, causing the earth to tremble. 

Godrick: I am the lord, of all that is golden! 

I ready my greatsword and glare at the giant abomination in front of me. 

Mutasim: You were. Until you met me. 

With that said, I dashed forward towards the lumbering giant. He raised his axe and swung down on me, but I was able to roll to the side and thrust my sword into his gut. But there was no reaction. I knew I struck him from the blood that came out, but the blade didn't touch his own body (or rather, his real body). 

Mutasim: Uh oh. 

He swung one of his many arms at me, knocking me backwards into a grave, breaking it. A low groan left my lips as I stood up with my blade in hand. As soon as I got back up, Godrick was already charging at me, dragging his colossal axe behind him on the ground. Once he got close enough, he swung at me, but I leapt to my right, narrowly avoiding the strike. 

Mutasim: Damn...! 

I jumped upwards and struck Godrick down. My sword connected with his chest and it went far enough to hurt Godrick's true body, making him scream. That gave me some reassurance that my attacks were working. Before Godrick could retaliate, I thrust my blade into his chest, making him screech. Blood spurted all over me, but I was used to it. The beasts back home bled so much more than this pig. 

I tore my blade out and swung up at Godrick's head, knocking him backwards. Seeing him beaten down inspired me to jump on him. Right before I swung down on his head, a bunch of Godrick's arms swung at me, knocking me off. I landed on my back, but used the momentum to push myself up off the ground in a back flip, sticking the landing on my feet. I raised my head to see Godrick breathing heavily. 

He looked at his free arm for a moment before raising his axe and slicing his own arm off! My eyes widened as the Demigod screamed in sheer agony. With one more slice, his arm flew up and landed right in front of me. 

Mutasim: What the hell...? 

The monster stared at his bleeding stump, taking heavy breaths. He then turned to the dragon's corpse. 

Godrick: Ahh, truest of dragons. Lend my thy strength! 

In one swift motion, he thrust his bleeding stump into the dragon's neck! I was confused at first, but then I realised what Godrick was doing when I thought about how he became this powerful in the first place! He was grafting the dragon's head to his arm! 

Jumping off my feet, I dashed towards Godrick and moved in to strike at him, hoping to intervene the process. However, he was able to tear off the dragon's head and swiped at me with it, swatting me away like a bug. Annoyed, I sat up and watched as the dragon's head came to life. How the hell did that work?! 

While I was confused and scared about it, Godrick just laughed like the mad man he was. 

Godrick: Forefathers, one and all... Bear Witness!!!

He raised his new draconian arm, watching it spew fire! Oh come on! Seriously?! How was that possible?! I pushed myself up to my feet and saw Godrick aiming the dragon spewing head at me! Not seeing any way of getting through this, I jumped behind a large grave and waited out the fire. It stopped after a couple more seconds which allowed me to leave cover. 

That was a big mistake because Godrick immediately swung his axe at me! All of a sudden, I felt my arm move by itself and I raised my greatsword, blocking the strike. Our blades clashed together against each other. Somehow, I was able to stop his axe. Grunting, I shoved him and his axe away. To my surprise, I knocked his axe upwards out of his grasp. 

I then jumped onto the freak's chest and kicked upwards, grabbing hold of the colossal axe. Using my body momentum, I sliced down at the giant's dragon arm, completely slicing it off which made him scream. He held onto the stump and backed away. 

I let go of the axe and continued wielding my greatsword. Hoping to finish this fight, I jumped towards Godrick and impaled his heart on my blade. A dying scream echoed throughout the cemetery. 

Godrick: I am the lord... of all that is golden... And one day, we'll return together... To our home, bathed in rays of gold...

He fell limp after his little speech. I let out a relieved sigh at his death and got off his corpse. Once I got off his corpse, a symbol, or a rune of a kind emerged from his body. Not only that, but some sort of golden dust appeared in my hand. 

So one of these things was one of the Great Runes needed to restore the Elden Ring and the other... It looked like Godrick. Weird... Maybe that Gideon guy knew something about this? 

Turning around, I saw a site of grace appear. I held my hand out towards it and immediately travelled to the Roundtable Hold. 

My journey was far from over and it was only going to get rougher from here. 

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