Part 7

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A 2 week's later..... Tim's POV
After not being able to move for 3 weeks the pain is slowly subsiding along with the feeling of fainting. Lucy has been going to work everyday worrying about me less each day once I have been proving that I am actually a capable human being still. We have been going to the shop down the block together obviously it takes along time but it's nice that I get to leave the apartment and Lucy isn't worried about me as she can see that I am getting on fine.

The next day....
Lucy leaves for work like normal, and I get up and watch her like normal, she mentioned Chris and how he's being going to see her at work I told her it was weird cuz he was her ex-boyfriend. She said it was fine tho.

Lucy's POV
Today Chris showed up again at work during my lunch, he always shows up every day since Tim's accident, I haven't told Tim that it was every day since but.

"Hey" I exclaimed

"Hey" he replied "how are you?"

"I'm good, how comes your here today!"

He scrambled "I was just leaving when I seen you!"

He always comes up with some random excuse, never directly answering why he's actually there but nothing to with me so I just brush it off.

I get home and I see Tim asleep on the couch, so I just go and join him, he squirms rolls over and smiles.

"Hey" he says with a strained voice

"Hey" I smirk back

"How are you he asks!"

"I'm good, Chris showed up again!"

"What!" He exclaimed

"Look now it's just starting to get creepy."

"You should tell..."he stops to think"....someone, i don't quite know who."

"Well it's not like he's actually following me only turning up every day for 2 week's during lunch"

He rushes "you never told me he did it every day, lucy!" He wines

"Look there is nothing you can do from here and I didn't want you to worry so I may have just twisted the truth slightly!"

"Lucyyyyy." He wines "right all I'm going to say is keep your eye out for him!"

I did think I was being paranoid I thought that someone was following me but if I told Tim he would lose his mind and I can't have that when he can't leave the house.

At lunch Chris showed again, but today was different he told me that he was there to see me, normally he made up some lie as to why he would be there but today was different.

Later that night, I could see Chris, I could see him following me. I rang Tim.

"Hey Lucy, what's wrong" he starts knowing that I would never normally ring him on my way home.

"Look I think Chris is following me and I don't know what to do!!"

"Yes, yes you do Lucy remember your training!"

"Right" I sigh trying to concentrate "but he knows where I live so why wouldn't he just wait there for me!"

"Look, I don't really know why he's doing this, Lucy you need to stay calm get rid of him, remember your training." Tim sighed knowing there was nothing he could do, "You know what you're doing, lose him."

"Right" I sigh, I don't say a word until I know that I've lost him. "I've lost him and I've just pulled up I will be inside in 2 seconds."

Tim is waiting by the elevator as soon as I step out he grabs me in dosnt let me go.

We just go to bed where we just lie in silence, with him holding me, him arms just holding me, his body protecting me, his warmth holding me, his eyes darting at every noise, him never being able to fully fall asleep.

Tim's POV
I lay there with my whole body wrapped around Lucy every noise I hear my eyes dart, something in me drags me out of bed, I don't move fast but that don't stop who ever is there I grab Lucy's gun from the dresser as soon as I open the door i see Chris stood there he stopped in his tracks.

"Don't move!" I say half whispering, not wanting to wake Lucy, as I pull the door shut.

" look I only came to check that Lucy was ok." He groaned

"What you couldn't do that when you seen her every day at the station?" I sigh "And why did u follow her home, you know where she lives!"

"Yeh I know where she lives I just had to make sure some one was looking after her, you weren't doing it, so someone had to, do you know the amount of trouble she gets into every day, no no you don't because you can't leave this apartment let alone leave to go to work." He seems angry

"Look Lucy don't need protecting"I sigh "especially not by you" I scoffed "I need you to leave, your breaking and entering and also stalking, attempted kidnapping the list could go on but you need to leave before someone with a badge shows up and you get arrested properly!"

"Fine I will leave but not until I see here!"

"The hell you will you need to leave, I'm the one with the gun!"

"No I am" chris pulls a gun as well

"I don't want to have to shoot you, I've definitely got better aim than you have." i sigh "Why are you even here?" I say still pointing the gun at his leg.

He sighed "because I want her!"

"What do you mean want her, she's not your property, she is a human being she can chose who and what she wants when she wants it, your not here to decide for her." i feel so mad.

"look she was my property till you became her hero and confused her with your sappy emotions, me and Lucy were perfect!"

"i would disagree, Lucy had her reasons to leave you, non of which are your concern, it dosent warrent you showing up at her house to what kidnapp her!" i exclaim realising that was his plan all along. He walked towards to me and covered my face with a rag and darkness.

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