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Battle Brief.

The class where apparently teaches us "what's actually happening" outside the wards- 'I don't know how they even believe themselves with all the lies they're telling everyone.' *Well if you didn't know what happens ahead you would believe them as well, Ravenbrook* I huff nodding to my side as I agree with Tairn. I focus on what Professor Devera is saying about how in the past riders were called into service before they even graduate. Once in while, during class I start zoning out, paying attention to my group-the first years, finally met Ridoc- such a goofball but I can totally get along with him. Professor Devera introduces Professor Markham to the class, which I notice him eyeing Violet with a disappointing face. The two professors start talking about an attack that happened in the East Wing where the village of Chakir got attacked by Braevi gryphons. As they keep telling us the information about the attack,I slide down my seat to avoid coming up with a question and try to avoid eye contact with her. We learn that it's not the first time that the wards have been attacked. Fourth Wings begins to pick on each other, making Professor Devera lecture us for abit.
Once Battle brief ends, I join Rhi and Vi as us three start walking towards the sparring gym "I was trained to be a scribe." " Soo basically what I'm hearing is... you might get your ass beat today." "Nev!" Rhi lectured towards me while nudging me, I shrug "Look I'm not saying it as a bad thing, me and Rhi could train you, if you want?" Violet sighs taking that for consideration as we round the corner toward the sparring gym. When we arrive I look around the gym, seeing Ridoc and Aurelie sparring each other and I see majority of the guys shirtless which I am not arguing, I'm just looking....respectfully. 

We all watch Ridoc's fight- I'll call it more like a beatdown but meh between the grunts and punches and finally a tooth goes flying, their match ends. I sit down on one of the mats thats not being used a little bit behind Vi and Rhi, I watch the matches when someone sits next to me " Ahh... here's the newbie, not hiding away from sparring, are we?" I glance towards the direction of the voice and see Bodhi sitting down right next to me, nudging him " Haha not a chance, just didn't feel like standing.....by the way aren't you suppose to be in class." He smiles back at me, shrugging " Wanted to see if how the first-years fought."  when all of a sudden we both hear a earsplitting crack and I glance over the mat, to see a first-years body going limp in Jack Barlowes arms. My eyes follow how Jack just drops the first-years body on the floor while I hear our instructor lecture him,  to seeing him just shrug it off like it was nothing. "Damn that poor kid, probably didn't see it coming" Bodhi says moving his attention back to me "I swear if he didn't get killed later on, I would've ended him..." I whispered underneath my breath. What I don't notice, is that Bodhi overhears my comment...

Imogen vs Violet

You know...reading this scene and WITNESSING are two completely different things.

Watching Violet try to battle Imogen was interesting she's quick but she fights like she's the bigger opponent and she's not, she gets a few hits on her but its game over when the whole gym's noise is overpowered by Violet's arm making a giant snapping noise. I gaze at how Dain carries Violet out of the gym, shaking my head I stand beside Bodhi again " Soo trying to see who's the new competition?" He chuckles at my statement " You could say that, what about you not gonna fight yet?" I look at the mat and see no one on it "Hmm I haven't been called on it  for todays class, maybe next... who knows maybe I'll spar with you." smirking at him after noticing his surprise look "Don't tempt me newbie."I grin walking away from him to Rhi- who has her own smirk looking at me arms crossed " Well you look like you're having fun over there with the second-year..." I give her a surprise face looking away after feeling my cheeks start to burn. "I don't know what you're talking about, we were just talking." "Uh huh sure that didn't look like just  talking, since I still see him glancing your way." I quickly look behind me and sure enough he is definitely still looking at me, giving him a shy smile until I notice he's speaking to Xaden.. when did he get here? Better yet, why did he come here?

Later on...in a field alongside the river beneath the citadel 

"Ravenbrook, your actions are very dangerous you could get caught." Tairn snaps towards my direction, while I'm sitting on the grass giving Andarna a scratch underneath her chin, sighing "I know...it's just.. hard being the only one that knows."  I look up at the mighty dragon giving me what it seems a side eye. "Look I'll try to keep my secrets better hidden, I make no promises if someone finds out." "Oh? like the marked one that has been speaking to you." "He's NOT just a marked one!" Andarna shakes her head to the side away from my little outburst "He's a friend...sorry 'Darna..." I pet her to apologize, as she moves her head back to me laying it almost on my legs. "It's okay looks like Tairn, hit a soft spot already." I hear a rumble on my legs as if she's laughing at me, when I see blue coming up to us-Sgaeyl, the late afternoon sunset hitting her scales reflecting her color beautifully, she lands near us sitting right next to Tairn. Andarna gets up from her spot and moves to Sgaeyl sitting between her legs. "Xaden is growing suspicious of us first-year." she snaps at me "Has he questioned you?" I ask nervously 'Xaden is definitely one of the people I do not want to know about me.' I bite my lower lip in worry "You should have considered that BEFORE trying to speak to me after your walk of the Parapet." she now is growling at me, eyes narrowing " It is not MY fault, you were not prepared to have your walls up!" I bite back with the same amount of force she gave me and I almost regret it when I see her try to stand up until "ENOUGH both of you." I see Sgaeyl easing up and I sit back down not even realizing I was on my knees to try to get as much distance away from her. " Fighting does not get us anywhere, You have strong confidence to go against a dragon Fiery one."  I huff a breath out watching as the last bit of sun finally goes down, leaving us in darkness with just the moon providing light. I get up dusting off my hands " I'm sorry Sgaeyl, I did not mean to upset you, I'll try my best to not make Xaden more suspicious of me and Ill keep my secrets to myself." "Will you keep your word?" I start to walk away when I turn around making eye contact with him

"Secrets will be unveiled when time is right." 

Finally making my way back to the dorms when I hear a faint whisper "Damn it." Looking to the noise and see Violet stumbling her way towards the river. Shaking my head I grab the cloak that was wrapped around my waist, tip-toeing my way close to her when I'm finally behind her "whatcha doing there Vi?" I see her visibly shake when she turns, a dagger right underneath my chin. "Nev?!...what are YOU doing after curfew?" I snort "Now now do not try to act all innocent with me Vi.." grabbing her good arm and throwing it into an arm lock, dagger now on the slightly damp dirt, I move myself closer to her ear "My question to you is...what are YOU doing after curfew?" I let go of her before I can hurt her more and eye her down "You got a pretty big satchel around you annddd trying to hide yourself with a cloak?..You're up to something." I giggle circling her while she watches me, eyes nervously following my movement. " Relax Vi.. I'm not here to kill you...seriously what are you doing after curfew, I just wanted some fresh air and I was told this was a good place to think." I see sigh of relief " Fine..." she hesitates " Closer to the river there's a line of oaks where there are vines hosting fonilee berries.." My eyes grow a bit due to the surprise " You're trying to poison your opponents, so no one beats you to a pulp like Imogen did in gym that other day." I see her flinch at my blunt statement sighing " Yea if someone fights me again, I might die.."she states, sighing I put my hands on my hips " Alright come on I'll help you get the berries, but me and Rhi are willing to help you improve your fighting." " I know but right now with my messed up arm, Im more of a burden than a blessing, especially since challenges start next week, THIS is the more possible advantage." Vi declares. As we walk to the oaks, I try to let her sit this one out since she's down an arm and get the berries from the vines but she's persistent and we both climb the vines..Vi accidentally slipping from the bark until her foot catches a better hold. Eventually reaching the berries, we collect as many berries as we can, when Violet retrieves a vial from her satchel and mixes all the items that apparently already collected along with the berries, at the end we start climbing down the tree, I put my cloak back on blending into the night, when I hear movement "Shit Vi freeze... there's someone here." We look down below us as we watch two figures start walking underneath the tree.

'Perfect...I know what's gonna happen to Vi after their meeting...the bigger question is what's gonna happen to me? 

Celestial Blaze: Fourth Wing FFWhere stories live. Discover now