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Time seems to stop the second our lips collide. Bodhi pushes me against the tree without breaking the kiss, I gasp once I feel the bark of the tree against my back.

"Shit. Are you alright?" he asks.

I nod "Yea." I pant

As our lips met again, a tingling sensation ran through my body. I gasp as I felt his hands gently cup my face as he deepened the kiss, his lips moving against mine with a gentle urgency. In that moment, nothing else mattered - no worries or fears, no future. There was only the heat of the moment, the electricity between us, and the pure, unbridled passion of our kiss.

Breaking the kiss for a second our eyes met, the world seemed to fade away. I felt his hand gently touch her cheek, his fingers tracing a line down my jawline. My heart raced as his lips met mine consuming me in what ever he gives me. 'I'm not suppose to be doing this.' Need pulsing through me as I suck on his lower lip, scraping my teeth over him.

"Raven." He groans

Gods.. the sound of his voice makes me lose control of the kiss as I fist the material of his shirt to bring him closer to me. 'Closer.. I need him closer.' My lips part as his thumb brushes over them, I move my hand to his hair combing my fingers through his hair, and I tug. he groans again deepening the kiss almost with a hunger of a starved man. It's like he doesn't want to stop. I don't want it to stop.

I whimper as I feel his hands travel further downward until they rest on my ass, feeling a squeeze bringing me 'if possible, closer to him.' I feel the neediness in him as he puts his hands underneath my thighs picking me up, instantly wrapping my legs around his waist. We let the passion in our kiss continue to consume both of us. I feel the tree dig into my back harder but I couldn't care less, nothing could pull me away from him at this moment. I choke on a moan when I feel him rock his hips into mine, I gasp as I melt into cloud 9. ' I need to stop this.' "Bodhi." I pant out trying to not get devoured by the intense pleasure he gives me as I feel him slide his mouth across my neck finding a spot that makes me jolt out of pleasure. He kisses me again tugging on my lower lip.

"W..we have to stop Bodhi."

Breaking the kiss with a sharp gasp. He finally looks at me, his brows furrowing in question. "Did I do something wr-." I shake my head as he sets me down, backing up a few steps away from me. "Then why? I thought." " I was enjoying it maybe it a bit too much, but... I can't..Bodhi." I advert my eyes away from his gaze. "Is it that other cadet that hangs out with you?" he asks, trying to not seem affected by the sudden rejection if I say anything. " What? No." He now looks upset putting his hands on his hip. " Then why stop?" I snap my gaze to him instantly.

"You can't care about me!" I yell at him

He's about to say something back to me but I try to get away before he says something to convince me to say and continue the session we were just doing. Sprinting away, leaving him alone by the tree I look behind my shoulder to see him watching me. Climbing up the stairs as quickly as possible to go back to the dorms. I reach the top of the stairs of the woman's dorm I lean against the stone wall, finally releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding. I brush my fingers past my lips almost as if I can still feel Bodhi against them, biting my lower lip smiling sadly, I start making my way to the door. When I open the door I get trampled by Rhiannon and Violet, both of them grabbing my arms and taking me to our beds, while also trying to not wake any one up. Rhi then proceeds to push me down to my bed, while Vi and her sit across on Vi's bed. "Where were you?" Vi questions "We were worried about you, you didn't seem like yourself." "Yea then Riorson appears and you disappear..what did he say to you??...did you go see Bodhi?" Rhi asks with urgency. I move my gaze from one to another while they wait for my response, biting my lower lip. I run my hands through my hair. "We..Kissed.." I look at them as they both hold different expressions. "Xaden?" Violet sadly asks "What?..no how if he left im guessing after me? Rhi nudges her "No Vi, Bodhi and her kissed!" Vi nods and I catch her sigh of relief. 'Don't worry girl that's your man, I got..mine? Do I?' "I knew it! where did you go? How was it?..How was he?, both him and Riorson seem to know what they're doing." Vi looks at Rhi waiting. "What, don't act like you and Riorson don't have some tension going on." I giggle at Vi, her cheeks burning barely visible thanks to the darkness around us. "He definitely knows what's he's doing." "I can see that, you look... disheveled to say the least;" Rhi states. "Shush. I'm going to sleep." "So are you guys something?" "No, it was just a kiss." I say

"Sure." as Rhi gets up going to her bed, while me and Vi follow suit to grab as much sleep as we can.

Celestial Blaze: Fourth Wing FFWhere stories live. Discover now