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    I look back at the sky now almost dark. "No they're gonna think I'm dead." I quickly walk up to the dragon with a confidence stride only to get shot down with it growling at me. "What? you just told me to get on." The dark dragon stands tall stomping forward when I see it lift its front foot, I'm frozen in place as it swings its foot at me, my body gets thrown against the tree, groaning my vision blurry due to the force of the hit, and my head slamming on the tree. Pushing myself off the tree, I feel a warm sensation going down the right side of my face. Touching my face I feel around it to find where the bleeding is coming from. When I find the injury I wince at the pain. 

'Ugh the cuts deep.' 

    'Looking at my hand I see it covered in crimson, I sigh. 'That's gonna become a scar.' I hear a growl as I look back at the direction of the dragon. *Neviah Ravenbrook I have chosen you as my rider.* The dragon says as it lowers its head. I look at it shocked then angry. "What the hell was that for?!" I point at the slash on my face as I glare at it. *I've chosen you as my rider, you will bear my mark.* I huff out a breath walking towards the dragon - its head still lowered to help me get on its back. I go to get on until I stop backing away a bit, looking at the beast. 'Why have you chosen me?' *Your ferocity intrigued me but your vulnerability is what captivated me, you are a mystery waiting to be solved and I have chosen to accompany you on your journey, now heed my words and make haste as time is about to be against us.* 

    I nod smiling, getting on the neck of the dragon. Tightening my legs around its body, it pulls its wings out and we take flight. 'Can you tell me your name.' The dark beast does a gentle hum. * I go by the name NxyaraSablethra descended from the Dubhmadinn line. You can call me Nay for short as I do not want to remind you my full name.* 'You're related to Tairn!' *Yes he is my older brother, I've heard he has been helping you on your journey.* "You can say that.' I hear Nxy make a sound resembling snort as we soar through the night sky. I reach out with my hand to touch a cloud only for it to disappear the minute, we soar through it. I laugh out of happiness as this is the most free and happy I've ever been. Nxy flies above the war college and with us being so high everything looked so small to me. *We have to land soon Raven.* Nxy dives down full speed in the direction of the college, I'm barely quick enough to hold myself against her as I feel the wind tries to push me off.

Violets POV 

     Finally landing, I walked past the Golden Dragon, after telling her to be careful about speaking to humans that aren't there riders. I noticed all the other new riders got gawk an amazement at Tairn, my smile growing wider at the sense of pride in me. The higher ups from the bleachers watch with big eyes all on Tairn. I hear my mom hiss at commandment Panchek to not say Tairns name, almost not believing me that I have bonded with such a dragon. She now stares at Tairn basically ignoring me. 

Fuck. Her.

      Walking up to the roll keeper, glancing wide eyed at Tairn then back at me, beckoning to come forward. I go ahead and tell her the name of my dragon, and then it becomes two dragons. Announcing both dragons that bonded with me creates an outroar. While being closed off from the dragons, we all wait to figure out if I'll keep both dragons. I finally am able to find Rhiannon and Ridoc. Hugging them both we all talk about our dragons with Ridoc hugging me tight congratulating me. "Wait guys have you seen Nev?" They both look at each other worriedly. "We thought she was with you." My face turns into worry as I shake my head no, I then see Bodhi, Xaden and Garrick start to make their way to us, right behind Dain. While Dain is speaking to me, Bodhi comes up to me blatantly ignoring Dain's glare. 

"Violet, where's Nev?" 

     The words get stuck in my throat as I furrow my brows. "No... she can't be.." His tone sounding defeated. "I'm sorry Bodhi none of us have seen her." I watch as he backs up in disbelief as both Xaden and Garrick go to him to cheer him up. *Hmm you humans interest me.* I throw a glance to the dragons and see that Tairn is now looking at me. 'Do you know something?' *Hmmm perhaps.* Tairn now angles his head towards the night sky. Following his eyes I noticed a figure coming at full speed down to us. The figure getting closer grabs the attention of the dragons and the rest of us, as the figure is now visibly a black dragon. "Another black dragon" I hear a rider ask out loud. "It cant be. It's the other black dragon, the one that has been unbonded for years now." Rhi adds on. I nod in amazement as we watch it land near Tairn. 

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