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Running down the third-years hall, not caring if I make any noise all I care is to make sure Violet is okay. I sense Xaden a few feet behind me with the other two close by. 'Raven what's going on?!' I look back at him. 'Listen!' Not letting him know anything else. 'Tell me!' He demanded. "We need to make it to the first-years hall, she's about to get ambushed!" I snapped. 'Nxy!'

*I'm here, Raven.*

'How's Tairn?'

*Angry trying to wake the Silver one.* Running faster getting to my hall, I start to slow down when I get to my door and I look over to Violet's door and I already hear commotion going in there. Xaden now is in front of me, Sgaeyl probably told him about the situation going on. "Riorson." He turns to me as he about to walk to her door. "It's someone we know." He takes the information in and the anger is quick to show on his face as he turns to go to her door. I back up against my door when Garrick and Bodhi get ahead of me, as I see Xaden step into Violet room. Bodhi turns to me with his eyebrows furrowed in question. I put a finger up to my lips to tell him to quiet. "I have to act as if I got awoken by the noise." He nods at me as he follows Garrick into the room.

Taking a quick breath I open and close my door hastily, making my way to Violets open door now. I peek into Violets room, seeing the aftermath of Xaden taking down the cadets that tried to kill Violet. I see Garrick and Bodhi taking some of the fallen cadets bodies, while Violet is with Xaden. "Vi?!" I run up to her as Xaden is making sure she's ok. She looks spooked for a second until her gaze drops to mine and her brow furrow. "Nev? How did you-" "I heard noises coming from your room and it woke me up." I reply. I catch her looking me up and down.

"But you're fully clothed?" She looks at me. "I..uh-" "Let me see your ribs Violence." Xaden interrupts our conversation, saving me from trying to make up a lie again. 'You're welcome.' Xaden says in my head. I see him glance at me and I nod a thank you at him. "Ravenbrook can you clean up Violet's room and then go back to your room, I don't want any more of my first-years getting hunted." Xaden's wingleader voice comes out and I quickly start to clean up her room. 'Nxy?'

*Yes, my Raven?*

'I need to speak to you and Tairn.'

* I believe the Wingleader is taking the Silver one to him, so I do not think speaking to him right now is smart you might raise suspicions.*

'More than I already am?' She grunts a yes. *You can speak to me if you like.* 'Where can I meet you?' I finish cleaning up Violets room and walk out. *The field you normally meet with Tairn.*

'How do you know where I meet with Tairn?' I question her. *I know more than I lead on, little Raven.* Trying my best to sneak away from my hall. I turn a corner making my way down another hall, trying to stay in the shadows as I don't know where Garrick or Bodhi ended up and I don't want them to see me sneak during curfew. Getting to the stairs, I get a sudden chill that I'm being watched. I make my way down the stairs, running to a spot I think is good to meet, I wait. The sound of wings starts to get louder, I look up and see Nxy coming down as I wait for her to land. The ground shakes as she lands in front of me.

' You know, I could get in trouble being out after curfew?' She chuckles. *You like the thrill.* I smile. *Now little Raven, what is troubling you?* I sigh.

' I think Tairn is hiding something from me.'

She cocks her head. *Whatever do you mean, he's been nothing but truthful to you.* I push a fake chuckle out. 'But has he?!' She stays silent. Taking a breath as I look at my dragon face to face. 'Here goes..'

' I don't make it Nxy!' The emotions that come out over power me and tears start to fall my face as Nxy snorts angrily. *What do you mean, you do not make it?!* ' War games is coming soon of the third-years and I'm going to be chosen to accompany Xaden and the rest of his squad... I don't come back Nxy.' I swallow the brick that was lodged in my throat as I watch her reaction.

*How are you certain?*

'My nightmares.'

*That is ALL you're basing your speculation on?!* She towers over me, I should cower in fear but I stand my ground; continuing to face her. 'Has Tairn told you anything? He can see my future! I CANT! so please if you know anything TELL me!' I stop caring for the tears that are blurring my vision. Nxy remains silent- not answering. 'Thought so.' I turn to leave, when I hear another pair of wings in the air. Still facing away it's not hard to guess who landed. Looking behind my shoulder I see Tairn landing beside Nxy making her look smaller than she actually is.

*Care to explain your nightmares fiery one?* He growls at me.

'I don't know, are you going to tell me the truth?' I almost growl back as I glare up at him.

*I have been telling you the truth.* I scoff 'Telling me the truth? Or have you been telling me enough to do your dirty work?' I gasp realizing I said too much as Tairn steps one step closer to me. *Ravenbrook, who is telling you this information? This isn't like you?* I keep glaring at him. 'Not after I learned the whole truth.' *And that is?* He's angry I can feel his anger in my chest overcoming Nxy's own feelings. "I DIE!" I yell it out into the night sky. "And you know! You weren't going to tell me until I helped all of you, you were going to let me disappear into nothing." Tairn makes no objection in correcting me, making Nxy growl at her older sibling.

*Tell me that is not true brother.* She asks her tone is something I haven't heard from her, she's hurt. Hurt that her brother is hiding the truth from her. But I can feel her anger bubbling inside.

Tairn turns away, looking to the night sky and physically feel him sigh. *It is true Sister.* Nxy lunges at him, throwing up her right foot clawing at Tairn leaving him there bright red claw marks on his right side. He grunts in pain but takes his sister's angry outburst. *You've been keeping this information from not just me but my rider?! you used me to bond with her after you knew of what came about my last rider!* I listen to them fight, but slowly healing Nxy's heart breaking due to her brother's lie, making me realize that I was not the only "puppet."

*Leave brother, do not speak to me or Neviah.* I watch as Tairn open his massive wings and as he's about to take off, looks to me. I catch a sliver of regret bubble up in my chest as he takes off towards the Vale.

*Raven.* Nxy looks at me.


*Whoever or Whatever is showing you these visions, just know I will do whatever in my power to help you.* I nod at her when she walks up to me bowing her head to meet me at eye level as I stare at her with big eyes, she closes her eyes. I put my hand on her snout as we feel our bond between us. We stay in that position for abit when she opens her eyes looking at me.

*Let's go for a flight, my Raven.*

Celestial Blaze: Fourth Wing FFWhere stories live. Discover now