Bonus Chapter

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So this is based on the deleted scene of a search for a cure. I just felt like I needed to write it because I miss sophomore Stiles and Sky!!!

Takes place somewhere between season one and two just don't bother about timelines because I honestly couldn't care less. Enjoy!

"Dude, are we sure he's coming? What did you even say to him?!" I asked Stiles.

Actually, I was questioning him. I always did question him. My god did I question his every move because if I didn't, well he would be dead by now.

"Yes Jenson, I called him! Jesus, would you stop with the interrogation—" he slumped in the seat while drumming his fingers against the wheel.

Sometimes Stiles irritated me more days than others. And this was one of those days.

I was supposed to be at home. Studying. Alone. Enjoying my peace. Enjoying spending time with Tessa. Not worrying about Scott until the weekend.

"—your voice is irritating enough. And I'd like to remind you the only reason you're here is so we don't have to hear about you bitch about us not inviting you to do awesome shit."

"Stiles the only reason you get to do awesome shit with very little repercussions is because I'm here!" I objected trying to make my presence significant.

I was important! Hell, I kept the two out of all the trouble I accidentally put us in. I never saw Stiles do that when he got us into shit. And he did. A lot.

"Wha—" he looked insulted by my words. "That's crap and you know it!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!

"No, it's not!"

"Yes, it is!"

"No, it's—" I flicked the cap off his head and caught it smoothly placing it on my own. "—Not. Hah!"

I think I did it so quickly he actually had to recalibrate. Yeah, I tend to have that effect on people. By people, I mean my friends.

By friends I meant Scott. And kind of Allison too.

He looked at me attempting to force down the smile appearing on his face. "Did you really just do that?"

"Yes. Yes, I did Stilinski. Whatcha gonna do? Sue me for looking a whole lot hotter in this than you?" I brought my knees to my chest and stuck my tongue out at him.

Now some would argue I'm immature for my age. I would agree.

"No," he dramatically sighed giving up the fight against himself and his urge to grin at me. "But do you have to be such a bitch?"

"Do you?" I counter-asked. And I saw the twitch in his eye. Fine fine. I'll play nice. "Yes, Stiles. Yes, I do. If you have a problem with that take it up with my lawyer."

He chuckled with a roll of his eyes. "You don't have a lawyer."

"It's a saying asshole," I shoved his shoulder and he gave me a downward smile. "For rich people who can afford them. But I'm my own lawyer! So you're really at a lose-lose situation here Stilinski."

He rolled his eyes sighing. "Aren't I always?"

"Yes," I crossed my legs on the seat now, holding my ankles. "I'm glad we agree on something."

"I will never agree with you. The day I agree with you on something is the day Star Wars becomes a bad film and well...mass destruction of humans by aliens."

"Dork." I coughed between my words.

He sent me a glare and I began rubbing my throat as though it was sore.
I guess something is just really clogged in there. Should get it checked out.

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