Stupid Scott And Night School

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Skyler's P.O.V

Stiles, Scott and I walked back out towards Derek. I couldn't help grinning.

That was fricking awesome! The whole roaring and the entire ground shaking, maybe Scott's not useless after all.

"I'm gonna kill all three of you!" Derek pointed at all three of us. He looked really pissed. "What the hell was that? What are you trying to attract the entire state to the school?!"

"Sorry, didn't know it was going to be that loud." Scott gleamed seeming proud.

"Yeah, it was loud and it was awesome!" Stiles squeaked and I laughed.

I have to admit, it was literally the most productive thing Scott had done.

"Shut up," Derek ordered.

"Oh come on. Don't be such a sourwolf." Stiles retorted and Derek generally looked like he was about to kill him.

At least Scott and I laughed at what he had said. He really doesn't have a sense of humour.

"What did you do with him?" Scott asked, looking inside the car. Deaton was no longer in the backseat. Why does Derek have to be right?

"What?" He seemed surprised and looked back at his car. "I didn't do anything."

Just as Derek said that a very similar black figure with red gleaming eyes fisted his claws into Derek's stomach holding him up into the air.

"Go. We need to go now!" I yelled, making my way towards the school.

If they don't want to come and get themselves killed here that's fine with me.

I threw the bolt cutters behind me because they were practically weighing me down.

Scott and Stiles rushed themselves with me and we all shut the door, obviously not having anything to trap the door with.

"Lock it!" Scott yelled.

"Does it look like I have a key?!" I yelled stating the obvious. God Scott can be stupid.

"Well find something!" He yelled. Why doesn't he just go find something himself? He's the one with the heightened senses.

I stop and think for a second. I quickly stand back up looking through the window.

I see the bolt cutters on the school stairs and look around in case the Alpha is there.

"No," Scott said pulling me back down.

"Oh come on. What's the worse that could happen?" I asked. Yeah, that's a stupid question.

"No, you're not going out there risking your life." Stiles objected and I turned my head back to him.

"What do you care?" I sighed and moved Stiles out of the way.

"Sky wait!" I heard Scott yell. Obviously, I'm going to ignore him.

I made my way onto the school steps and looked around for the Alpha. Okay, well I guess he went for a trip.

I made my way towards the bolt cutters on the floor and looked around just in case.

I heard Stiles and Scott both knocking on the door and I looked back and saw the Alpha near the jeep.

It's never good to see a familiar face. Especially when it's trying to kill you. Again.

I ran as fast as I could back to the main doors. Stiles opened it and grabbed my hand pulling me onto him. Awkward.

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