Family Ties

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Skyler's P.O.V

Awkward. Everything was so unbelievably awkward.

Right now we were in the jeep, trying to stalk Melissa.

Because she was with a maniac killing werewolf, but other than that we were about to save her from a horrible date.

"There," I pointed at the car parked at the side of the road. You could see Melissa's reflection in the mirror.

We also tracked her using the devices we stole from the station. Who knew being troubled kids would help save a life?

", what do we do?" Stiles asked and I shrugged my shoulders looking back at the car.

"Crash it," I stated and Stiles immediately turned his head to me.


"Crash it." I was spelling the word out. "It's bound to make both Peter Hale jump out of the car along with Melissa."

"No." He stated.


"No." He stretched out. "This jeep is everything to me. I'm not just going to crash it."

"Stiles we're talking about saving Scott's mom here! Remember the person who would prevent me from murdering you when we were like four!" Reasoning was just not an option anymore.

"But I've loved this jeep since I was four!" He whined. He's lucky I've not snapped his neck by now!

"Are you kidding me?! Just crash the stupid thing. You might as well just-"

"Okay fine!" He yelled stopping me. He half squinted his eyes clutching onto the steering wheel.

We were going at the slowest speed possible! I don't even think this counted as a speed.

"Holy crap Derek Hale!" I yelled.

Stiles yelled jumping up, which made him press on his gas pedal harder sending us straight into what I'm guessing is Peter's car.

"Oh my god!" He yelled.

I laughed taking my seatbelt off. "You are so welcome."

I jumped out of the jeep at the same time as Stiles and we both approached Melissa.

Who was very angry.

"Are you kidding me?! Stiles!" She yelled approaching us and I was trying so hard to not laugh.

"Ms. McCall?" He asked as if he had no idea it was her. "Well, this is just crazy. What a coincidence! Isn't that right Sky?"

Stiles's shoulder barged me expecting me to say something and I pressed my lips together and nodded.

"Yup. Amazing coincidence," I agreed and Stiles narrowed his eyes at me expecting me to say more. He's the one who crashed into them! "I mean I don't know what to say. It's like you guys came out of nowhere!"

"Came out of nowhere!" She yelled. Ooh, she's mad. "We were parked on the side of the road!"

To my future self: never make Melissa angry. Ever.

"Well don't blame me! He's the one who was driving!" I said nudging Stiles. I was not going to do all the talking!

"Yeah, well it was definitely crazy." Slowly Peter Hale started approaching us making me a bit unsteady.

"Hey, we should probably call the cops and do some accident report thing. You know, might fully be necessary," I said keeping my eyes glued to Peter Hale.

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