Missing Her And The Tell

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Skyler's P.O.V

You know after last night, I'm not going to be surprised if I have a dream about a chopped off arm.

But hey at least now I know Derek Hale's not my worst nightmare anymore.

It's his fricking chopped arm! And as for Stiles, we ended up spending the night watching Star Wars before I dozed off.

I have to admit, Stiles isn't a bad friend after all. Well, he's definitely been better than Scott.

Friend. Acquaintance. Guy I dislike. Same thing.

I mean since Scott's got the whole Allison and werewolf balancing to do, Stiles had become way more of a friend than Scott has been for the past week.

What's sophomore year doing to me?

I walk through the CD racks trying to find Star Wars.

"Can someone help me find The Notebook?"

I hear a familiar, annoying voice near me. What's the ass doing here?!

"Hello?!" Jackson yelled looking around.

The front desk phone is ringing, but no one is even answering. I step forward and wander around until I see his face.

"You have got to be kidding me," Jackson groaned once he spotted me.

"Trust me, I'm not. What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm watching the Notebook, with Lydia. Again." He grunted and I laugh, still looking for the guy who works here.

"I thought you'd be watching some Lacrosse crap," I said but he doesn't answer.

I look behind me and see what he's looking at. "So what? It's a broken light?"

Jackson shook his head stepping forward. So are all the Lacrosse players deluded?

We stepped forward, and behind one of the shelves is a body practically mauled to death.

"Holy-" Before I could finish my sentence off, Jackson grabbed me by my hand pulling me away.

The ladder leading to the light fell along with most of the lights. Everything was suddenly dark and all I could feel is Jackson's jacket beside me.

That's when I saw it. The big black figure with glowing red eyes. The Alpha that ruined my best friends life. And some of mine.

"Jenson, run you idiot," he whispered and we both go into a different aisle.

I stumbled and pressed my back against the shelf trying to steady my breathing along with my heartbeat.

Who knows what the Alpha could do. I turn my head around the aisle and see Jackson, who's two rows behind me.

He places a finger on his lips, and I nod turning my head back.

I have no idea what the hell to do when you're stuck in a CD store with a rampaging Alpha werewolf who wants to kill everyone.

So my instinct is to either kill him or to hide and try not to get myself killed.

I'm going with trying not to get myself killed.

I still hear the low heavy growls, coming closer and closer. I turned my head back round to Jackson.

He looked just as scared. Yeah, by the looks of how we're doing right now, I don't think one of us is going to make a good saviour.

I watched shelves falling but before I can warn Jackson, or even escape myself I felt a shelf falling on top of me.

It was pressing my back hardly like it was its one purpose in life. I won't have a life if it keeps squashing me to the ground like this.

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