Just Lydia And Heart Monitor

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Skyler's P.O.V

I'm walking into class, and right now the only person I feel that's there for me is freaking Lydia!

Yep. Lydia Martin. Soulless Lydia Martin. Heartless Lydia Martin. Popular, attempting to hook me up with guys Lydia Martin.

After last night we went straight to the ER and I'd sprained my arm. They fitted a hard cast on it, so I'm pretty much good.

And Stiles won't talk to Scott because he wasn't the one that got hit by the car to save his dad.

He won't talk to me either for saving his dad. God that kid is weird.

Scott has never been more distant than ever, and now that he's got to keep away from Allison his only choice is trying to stay close to Stiles and me.

But we're not talking to him as everyone already knows. Even Lydia practically knows the friendship triangle.

I have to admit, she's actually pretty fun to talk to. Thanks to Allison we're pretty close, but we still hate each other on a minor level.

Slightly major.

So besides from everything that's wrong I'm fine! Not like anyone asks anyway. Or cares.

I walk into class and see the only space left is next to Scott who is behind Stiles. You have got to be kidding me.

I groan take a seat next to Scott and turn my head away from him.

"You guys still not talking to me?" Scott whined. He's not expecting us to answer, is he?

He sighed in frustration when he gets hit in the face with silence. Take that Scotty.

"Can you at least tell me if your okay, Sky?" He turns his head to me and I turned away. "I mean it's just bruised right or some soft tissue damage?"

I don't say anything, and Scott generally looks apologetic. I'm still not bringing my guard down though.

Something I got taught by Tess. When a friend was being an ass, make them feel bad.

"You know I feel really bad about it, right? It should have been me who got hit by the car instead of you."

I still don't answer him. He's right. Besides even if I do wish he got hit by a car, Scott didn't deserve it. 

He's already got a lot of crap invading his life. Still wish he got hit by a car though.

"Okay." He sighed. "What if I told both of you that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out, and..." He paused and hesitates.

"That I went to Derek for help?"

I scoffed while Stiles sighed. Seriously! After everything, he goes to the guy who I very badly fear.

Not just him but his chopped off arm too!

"If I was talking to you I'd say you're an idiot for trusting him," Stiles grumbled still keeping his head forward. "But obviously I'm not talking to you. Both of you."

Stiles turns his head to me and I give him a wink.

"Don't worry Stilinski. I'm not too keen on communicating with you either," I smiled and Scott laughs.

Damn. Who knew it would be this hard to avoid a dumbass. Who is also my best friend.

I see Stiles looking pretty annoyed with himself. "What did he say?" He groaned giving in.

You have got to be kidding me? He can't even hold his grudge for that long?! Amateur.

Before Scott answers both of them turn their heads to me expecting me to talk to them. They both wear pleading looks.

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