Shovels And Second Chance At First Line

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Skyler's P.O.V

"Scott, Lydia and Skyler."

I groaned getting out of my seat and grabbing the chalk off the math teacher, walking over to the board.

I gave Lydia a grin and gave Scott a wink as I prepared myself.

Solving the maths solution wasn't too bad. However I couldn't say the same for Scott.

"Why is there a rumour going around that you're not playing tomorrow?" Lydia began speaking.

A sound between a laugh and a cough emerged from my throat and Scott glanced me with wide puppy-dog eyes silently begging for me help.

He was on his own with this one.

Of course, she knew about the rumours. She knows everything. It's like nothing gets past her. I wanna know how.

I carried on doing my equation obviously listening to the conversation. How could I not?

Scott stopped writing and looked over at Lydia.

"That's because I'm sorta not." He replied and I looked over at Lydia's equation.

She did something wrong. For once.

"I think you sort of are." She shot back and I rolled my eyes.

Why act? She should just give up the dumb act and dump her boyfriend. I mean we all know how well Scott's doing and well it's not long before he makes captain.

Then again the hypocrisy coming from me is terrible since I'm doing the same but for different reasons.

"Especially when you brutally injured my boyfriend, while ramming into him." She continued.

Hey if I was going to listen to this there was no way I wasn't going to talk.

"Actually the ass brutally injured himself ramming into Scotty." I shot back and Lydia raised her eyebrows looking at me. "And carry the one sweetie."

I crossed out her five on the board and placed the number one underneath.

"Oh, I didn't see that." She sighed like it was nothing. A thank you would be great.

"And by the way, Jackson is going to play tomorrow. But he's not going to be at his peak. And I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance."

I think I just threw up in my mouth. I don't think any one of us needed to know that.

"And I date the Captain of the winning Lacrosse team." Lydia bragged. Why did we need to know any of this? "And if they start this season losing, I end up dating the captain of the losing Lacrosse team. I don't date losers."

Guess Stiles is never going to end up on her list.

"Losing isn't going to kill anyone." Scott groaned. "In fact, it might even save someone."

"Fine." Lydia grinned. "Don't play. We'll probably win anyway. Then we'll go out after the group like we were planning, and I'll introduce Allison to all the hot players in the team."

Oh, that was so not worth it. She was so much more envious. I have to admit it but girls got skills.

"And Scott McCall can stay home surfing the net for porn." She rubbed the chalk off her hands and so did I.

I couldn't help but laugh. The math teacher gave me a nod, and I walked back to my seat.

"Mr McCall your not even close to solving your problem." He criticised and Scott sighed.

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