Lacrosse Game And Second Chance At First Line

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Skyler's P.O.V

So we found Scott. No thanks to Stiles.
Allison called me to tell me her dad almost killed him.

And not in the creepy hunter way. Thank god.

He almost ran over Scott, but the whole wolf healing thing pays off.

I walked into the boys' locker room, immediately getting whistles from the guys.

"Hey, Jenson! That's twice this week, come for more?" That was one of the players. He was asking with a cocky grin.

I smiled politely. "Oh, don't worry. No need to hit on a girl to fake having a big dick." I replied and all the guys started laughing.

"Your dead Jenson!" He yelled.

"Bite me," I muttered, and bit my teeth together.

All the boys cheered, and I was about to give him a talk with my fist until I felt someone grab my hands and then pull me away by holding onto my waist.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Stiles's annoying voice beamed through my ears.

I feel like I'm getting arrested.

"Teaching a guy proper manners," I said. "With my fists."

"If you wanna stay in the boys' locker room, then you might wanna lay low," Stiles advised and I rolled my eyes. "You shouldn't even be in here. To remind you."

"Oh you do. All the time," I said but my eyes stayed glued to the ceiling as I spoke to Stiles.

I mean, I'm pretty much here to prep my friend for anything lacrosse related which is why I'm usually in here. And not in the creepy way. 

The Scott and Stiles conversation way.

Stiles and I walked past someone sitting on the bench and walked back when we realised who it was.

I thought Scott was hunters meat.

"You guys gonna try convince me not to play?" Scott scoffed.

I sat on one side of Scott and Stiles sat on the other. I'd rather see Scott kick everyone's asses on the field than be benched.

"I just hope you know what you're doing." Stiles retorted and I nodded agreeing.

"If I don't play, I lose first line and Allison." Scott groaned. Where's Allison going?

"Woah, first of all, the girls not going anywhere. And you really don't need to play." I said, trying to keep Scott calm. "Free will and all."

"I wanna play!" He half-yelled. "I wanna be on the team. I wanna go out with Allison. I want a semi-freaking normal life."

I slowly patted Scott on the shoulder for comfort. I have to admit he has had the worst sophomore life so far.

I have no idea how my social life would beat his though.

Stiles gave an exaggerated sigh dropping his gear. "Just try not to worry too much while you're out there."

"Yeah, or get too angry," I added and Scott gave me a small nod.

"I got it."

"Or Stressed." Stiles continued.

"Yeah, I got it." He repeated.

"Or about Allison being in the stands. Or that her fathers trying to kill you." I listed. The list just kept going on.

"Or that Derek's trying to kill you." Stiles pointed out.

"Or the girl he killed," I added.

"Or that you might kill someone," Stiles said. The list keeps going on and on and we were all in panic mode.

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