New friends

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Next morning, Kai awoke and found the love of his life curled up into his chest, her dark green hair splayed out everywhere and a trickle of dribble flowing onto his shirt. Quietly, Kai rolled over slightly to look at Eri and Satsuki sleeping almost top and tail when suddenly he was pulled back by the still sleeping frog user in his arms. They ended up laying like that for nearly an hour, luckily it was Sunday and by the sounds of it everyone was still asleep. As Kai remembered the night previous, a sudden image flashed in his mind. Mineta was still outside running laps, Kai sniggered a little before waving his hand slightly. Meanwhile somewhere near the main gate Mineta watched as his pursuers collapsed into tiny pieces of dust and blew away in the wind like glitter, slowly the perv broke down crying as his fears were lifted. Back in Kai's room, the dull red glow of his quirk caused Tsu to start stirring. Slowly she awoke and her eyes fluttered open, looking straight in Kai's dull red ones.

"Good morning," Kai said, with a smile.

"Morning, Kai," Tsu said, a warm loving smile on her face.

"Sleep well?" Kai asked.

"With you as my Pillow, of course," Tsu said, leaning up and looking at the girls, "Looks like they're sleeping well too."

"Good, I'm glad that I'm a good pillow for the love of my life," Kai flirted, causing Tsu to blush.

"S-Shut Up. Charmer," Tsu stammered before they kissed.

As they kissed, Kai heard a quiet rustling coming from Eri's bed. Suddenly the silver haired girl leaped out of the dark straight in between Kai and Tsu causing all three to laugh as Satsuki climbed up as well.

"Looks like someone has some early morning energy," Kai laughed as he kissed Eri on the head.

"Yeah, either that or the sugar from last night is finally kicking in," Tsu agreed, giggling before she too kissed Eri on the forehead.

"Mama, Papa. What are we doing today?" Eri joyously asked.

"I don't know, whatever you want poppet," Kai smiled at his excited daughter.

"Actually I overheard Iida and Midoriya mention that Kota might be paying a visit today," Tsu said.

"Ooh, you hear that, Eri. We can introduce you to a new friend," Kai smiled as Eri exploded with glee.

"What about you sis, you want to make a new friend?" Tsu asked Satsuki, whose excited nodding was all the answer needed.

"Good, welp we best get up," Kai said as he leant up and scooped Eri off the bed as Tsu did the same with her little sister.

Slowly and carefully the four crept down to the main floor, finding it as expected very messy and a familiar purple haired idiot passed out at the front door. The sight left them both gobsmacked and sniggering as the party definitely went into overdrive as they left. Mixed in amongst the clutter was Mr Aziawa and Present Mic curled up together and Miss Midnight laying on one of the sofas. As they scanned the room as a sudden sight startled them, Uraraka and Midoriya lay next to each other on the second sofa. Suddenly a very good aroma caught all of their noses, it came from the kitchen. Slowly they approached and were greeted by the sight of All Might in an apron cooking breakfast.

"Good Morning students," All Might grinned in his hero form.

"Morning sir," Tsu and Kai said tiredly.

"Don't worry about breakfast, it will be ready in a few minutes," All Might smiled as the four sat down.

After a gorgeously made breakfast, everyone else slowly piled in as Kai, Tsu, Eri and Satsuki prepared for the arrival of Kota and his aunt. It was about quarter past twelve when they arrived.

Kota was a slightly gruff kid, his experience had originally turned him away from heros after his parents died but it was through Midoryia that Kota was able to become friends with 1A. Currently he was wearing a hooded sweater with his signature spiked hat pushing down his spiky hair. Next to him was his cousin, Mandalay. She was the leader of the pro hero group the wild wild pussycats and her hero attire showed it but for now she is wearing her normal outfit, a knee high skirt with a turtleneck sweater and high heels.

"Kai, Tsu, Midoryia. It's been a while," Mandalay said, with a big smile, "Oh and it looks like we have some new faces."

"Ah, right. Let me introduce Eri Vaner," Kai said, "My daughter."

"And this is Satsuki," Tsu said, "My sister."

"Oh, how adorable," Mandalay said before stopping dead in her tracks, "Wait did you say 'daughter'?"

"Yeah, it's a long story," Kai said, rubbing the back of his head.

And again they explained what had happened with Eri and Overhaul but Kota seemed unfazed by the story unlike his cousin.

"Wow, that's a lot to take in. But I believe that's admirable you took Eri into your care Kai," Mandalay said looking at Kota, "Kota how do you seem so unfazed?"

"Oh, Midoriya and I have been writing letters to each other for a few months now and he told me about what had happened," Kota said.

"Really?" Mandalay and Kai said, looking at Midoriya.

"Sorry I thought you knew," Midoriya apologises to Mandalay.

"OK, well why don't you three go play. Kota brought some toys and I now understand why," Mandalay said as Eri, Kota and Satsuki ran off.

Quickly the three then returned with a collection of nerf guns.

"Mama, Papa, let's play," Eri excitedly said, jumping up and down.

"Sure thing sweetie," Kai said.

"Can I play too?" Mandalay asked.

"Yes," Eri answered, "More friends to play with."

This statement made everyone smile as Kai helped Eri hand out weapons, the team layout ended up as kids vs adults which obviously meant the kids won as the adults went easy on the children.

After nearly an hour of playing outside, Kai noticed that Present Mic, Midnight, All Might and Mr Aizawa were watching through the common area's windows, had smiles on all their faces. This made Kai smile as Eri got him with a dart.

"Ha, Ha. Got you Papa," Eri laughed.

"Oh and I'm gonna get you, squirt," Kai laughed as he slowly chased after his daughter as she laughed as well.

After another half an hour of playing, everyone felt their stomachs rumble slightly.

"I think it's time we thought about lunch," Kai said.

"Agreed, what does everyone want?" Mandalay asked.

"Don't worry about that, I'll cook a spread so everyone can have what they want," Kai said.

"I'll help," Tsu said as the group returned to the building.

As Kai and Tsu worked in the kitchen, Kota taught Eri and Satsuki how to play Splatoon on his Nintendo switch. Though the girls found it tough at first they eventually got the hang of it, the sounds of their joy made Kai smile as he cooked alongside his darling girlfriend. After nearly an hour and a half of cooking, Kai called everyone over to enjoy a meal the size of the table.

"Enjoy everyone, I prepared enough for everyone and there are still some extras in the kitchen," Kai said as he sat down next to Eri with Tsu next to him.

As they ate everyone relished the taste of the meal, there wasn't a pair of eyes around the table without stars, even Bakugou was starry eyed at the meal.

"Kai, how? How are you so good?" Momo asked.

"Yeah, dude this food is five star restaurant level," Kirishima added.

"Well, I couldn't have done it without my brilliant Tsu-chief," Kai said, sniggering at the awful dad joke he just made.

"Kai, that was terrible," Tsu said as everyone groaned.

"What, I'm a dad. I can make Dad jokes," Kai smiled.

Everyone groaned knowing that this was just the beginning of the torment, slowly they all returned to their food dreading another dad joke from Kai.

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