Eri, Plushies and Teachers

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Sunday morning was another cold and crisp one, Kai had awoken to a pitch black room, sounds of metal echoed outside and light snores from inside. Across the room bundled up in her blanket lay Eri, light giggles mixed with her snoring as she clung to her wolf plushie. Carefully, Kai sat up and swung out of bed putting his robe on as he wandered over to the window. As he walked he noticed that it was only half eight in the morning, careful not to wake the sleeping bundle. Kai peeped through the curtains and saw that Mineta was still running away from his metal soldiers, clearly Bakugou had given up at some point last night.

Surprised at Mineta's stamina, Kai used his quirk to deactivate the soldiers causing their empty husks to crumble into dust. After Mineta realised that he was no longer being chased, Kai opened his window.


"Stop being a perv and I'll stop having a reason to make them last that long," Kai called back.

"DUDE, UNCOOL!" Mineta shouted.

"MINETA SHUT UP, YOU DESERVED IT," the entire building yelled, clearly Mineta's shouts woke the entirety of class one A.

Slowly Mineta stormed off towards the front door, before closing the window Kai took a moment to breath in the cool air of the area but the sounds of Eri stirring from her sleep redirected his attention. Slowly Eri's snores ceased and she started to move as she tried to sit up.

"Heya sweetie, sleep well?" Kai asked as he kneeled down to the little bed.

"Yes Papa, I was scared for a little while but when I heard you snoring it felt safe again," Eri said sweetly.

"Srnk, I think thats the first time my snoring helped someone," Kai sniggered, "Anyway you hungry?"

"Yes Papa," Eri said.

"Ok, then why don't we go down stairs and make you some nice yummy pancakes," Kai said as he picked up Eri.

"Yay, can I have apples with them?" Eri asked.

"Of course," Kai said as they walked down to the elevator.

After a short descent, the two walked into the common area and found that Mineta hadn't even made it past the threshold before passing out, this caused Kai to snigger before dragging the worn out perv inside and slinging him on the sofa. As he placed Mineta on the sofa, Kai noticed Momo sleeping on the other sofa with Tsu and Uraraka on the floor, around them were sketches of Kai's hero look Metal Daemon, Deku and Lemillion. And sitting there on the table, pristine and perfect, sat three plushies, one of Deku, one of Lemillion and one of Metal Daemon.

"Eri look," Kai said pointing at the Plushies.

Eri gasped loudly as her eyes fell upon the plushies, swiftly Kai set her down and she sprinted right over to them grabbing each plushie in an embrace so adorable it could melt ice.

"Do you like them sweetie?" Kai asked as he kneeled down.

"I love them Papa, thank you," Eri smiled, holding all three in a bear hug.

"Don't thank me, Thank Yaoyorozu, Uraraka and Tsu," Kai said, pointing at the sleeping girls, "But wait until they wake up first," Kai added as Eri had already scampered over to their sleeping forms.

"Ok, Papa," Eri said.

"Come on, let's get those Pancakes," Kai said as he and Eri entered the kitchen.

As soon as they entered, Kai picked Eri up and plopped her on the counter next to him as he began to make the pancake batter.

After a few minutes of hard work, Kai began pouring the batter into a frying pan and ignited the hob. Slowly each pancake began to sizzle and brown over.

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