IKEA and adoption

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After what felt like an hour's walk, the group finally arrived at that dark blue building with yellow letters. Slowly, the group entered the foreboding building and were greeted to the sight of escalators with signs hanging above saying "Show floor". Kai's mother took the lead with Kai and Eri following just behind, Tsu after them, with Midoriya and Kai's father following at the end. As they reached the peak of the escalator, Eri's eyes sparkled at the sight. For as far as the eye could see, there were hundreds of mock up rooms all decorated in different styles from traditional to ultra modern.

"Wow," Eri said quietly.

"Yeah, quite a sight, hey sweetie," Kai said as they began walking through the rooms.

"Yeah," she smiled.

"Well it's going to get better, there's a section I think you'll love," Kai said.

"Yay," Eri cheered as they worked their way through the sprawling displays.

As they walked, Kai took notice of how awe struck Eri was.

'How could anyone do something so cruel to such a little bundle of joy. It's so incredible that that scared little girl a week ago is the same one in my arms,' Kai thought.

Suddenly Eri let out a huge gasp, causing Kai to notice where they were. Standing in front of him was the section they were looking for. All around them were thousands of stuffed animals and figurines decorating the most gorgeous looking beds. The children's sections.

"Hey Eri, do you want to go pick out some stuffed animals while me, Tsu and your grandparents pick our bed," Kai said.

Eri's eyes grew wider than dinner plates as Kai smiled.

"Can I?" Eri asked.

"Of course, sweetheart. Go on go get anything you want," Kai said, as he placed Eri down on the floor and watched her scamper off towards the stuffed animals.

"So what kind of bed do you think we'll need?" Kai asked Tsu and his parents.

"Well given that Eri's six already we'll need..." Tsu said before they talked about what kind of bed the little girl would need.

After about ten minutes of talking, they finally decided on a simple four post bed made for children between ages of five to ten. Now armed with the box number, the group turned around to see what Eri had gotten but Kai's heart hit his stomach when Eri was nowhere to be seen.

"Eri! ERI!" Kai panicked as he began to search.

Tsu quickly ran over to Kai to calm him down.

"Kai, Kai! Calm down, we'll find her," Tsu reassured,"Ok everyone search everywhere. She can't have gotten far. Izuku you search the last display area, Mr and Mrs Vaner you search the next display area, me and Kai will search this one. WE WILL FIND HER, even if we have to strip this shop bare."

Tsu's ordering tone told the others everything they needed to know. Swiftly Midoriya ran off to the living room display area while Kai's parents went towards the kitchen area. Hasty and driven, Kai and Tsu search high and low trying to find Eri quickly. Suddenly sounds of crying were heard from next to a kids wardrobe, Kai raced over and his heart skipped a beat as sitting there crying was Eri.

"Eri!" Kai called as he ran over, Eri meeting him halfway as she ran into his arms.

"Eri, Eri. You're safe, you're safe," Kai soothed.

"P-Papa, I-I t-thought y-you l-left m-me, I-I th-thought y-you d-didn't W-want m-me," Eri cried.

What Eri said tore Kai's heart apart, slowly tears filled his eyes, not noticing the others coming up behind him.

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