Christmas birthday

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It was a very cold morning, December had come quickly and the grounds were covered in glistening snow. As the sun slowly crept up the sky, the buildings shone brilliantly with rays of crystal like colour. Inside Kai and Tsu were stirring awake, sounds of light rustling ensued as the pair slowly climbed out of bed and left the room while Eri was still asleep. As they approached the door, Kai looked at a calendar and struck off another day, one just before one encircled with a big red ring and the word's "Miracle's birthday" inscribed over it. As Tsu pulled the door closed quietly, the pair walked down to the common room. The clock at the end of the hall revealed it was barely eight o'clock in the morning on a saturday, light snoring revealed the rest of the sleeping inhabitants. Upon their arrival at the common room, they found two familiar students, the green haired Midoryia and the brown haired Uraraka both sitting on the sofa.

"Kai, Tsu. You're awake," Midoryia said.

"Yes, we're going with Mr Aizawa and Principle Nezu. It's time we ended this constant fear we've been having for good," Kai said, remembering the string of nightmares that have plagued him and Tsu for the last two months.

The nightmares were always the same, Kai, Eri and Tsu laughing and loving life until a familiar shady figure with a bird mask approaches them and kills Tsu before stealing Eri while Kai is powerless due to a crimson bullet to the chest. Eri's cries ring out and they wake up every time.

"Ok, well. We won't stop you, we want to see what's coming to him, but we agreed that we should stay and watch over Eri," Uraraka said.

"Thank you, hopefully this will all be over by tonight, then we have our little miracles' birthday tomorrow," Kai said.

Just then a knock came from the front door just as a pair of tiny footsteps were heard behind them. Tsu and Kai looked behind them as Uraraka opened the door, outside stood a tired Mr Aizawa and Principle Nezu while behind Kai and Tsu was a sleepy Eri in her pyjamas and clutching a Nezuko teddy bear Momo had made for her.

"Mama, Papa. What's going on?" Eri asked.

"Eri, good morning. Your Mama and I are going out for a few hours with Mr Aizawa and Principle Nezu. While we're out your big brother Deku and Uraraka will be taking care of you," Kai said softly, hugging his daughter, "Now while we're out I want you to be a good girl, you can do that right?"

"Yes Papa. I'll be good," Eri said, sweetly.

"I know you will," Kai said, kissing E on the forehead.

"Kai, Tsuyu. Are we ready?" Principle Nezu asked, clearly drained.

"Yes, sir," Tsu said as she kissed Eri on the forehead before following the teachers with Kai trailing behind.

As Kai shuts the door, he waves goodbye to Eri as she climbs up onto the sofa with Midoryia and Uraraka. Now outside, Kai and Tsu catch up with Mr Aizawa and Principle Nezu.

"Are you kids sure you want to do this?" Mr Aizawa asked, showing a shocking level of emotion for the usually dead faced teacher.

"Yes, we need to let go of this fear and confronting its source is the only way," Kai said, but in his heart there were not one but two figures he feared about with Eri but one was still comatose.

"Ok, it will take approximately an hour to get there. Hope you kids ate," Principle Nezu said as the group got into a limo.

"While we head to the docks I must ask," Mr Aizawa said, "This trip is a very rare and very very dangerous one. Our destination is not a place to be taken lightly, nor is its inhabitants. You kids understand that what happens in tartarus must stay in tartarus."

"Yes, Sir. We understand we just want to end these nightmares once and for all," Kai said, bluntly.

"Good, hopefully once this is all over we can enjoy a nice cup of tea while doing some shopping," Principle Nezu said.

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